Two weeks since Hazel took off from the center and they still couldn't find here, John wasn't surprised she's been hiding her whole life probably had a plan the entire time a case of emergency type of thing,

Cas and Dean were taking things slow-talking less about the mating and focusing more on each other and building a healthy relationship.

Jimmy was beside himself with worry. He had no idea how to find Hazel. He did move out of the house much to Mrs. Novak's annoyance, refusing to tell her where he was moving to; she blamed Hazel say she was trying to tear her family apart. Michael was in prison.

"Save it, you know what Michael was doing, and you did nothing to stop it. That's our job as Alphas to take care of Omegas. They need us," Jimmy said, pushing past his mother and heading to his car.

"I didn't know," Naomi fake surprised.

Jimmy didn't say anything he wasn't going to until he found Hazel, and he knew his father would be ok. His grandparents had Naomi sign a prenup, and one of the clauses states that if she had sex with anyone, Chuck gets everything, and she gets nothing.

Cas helped Jimmy move into his new house. They talked about finding Hazel and how Dean was feeling about everything.

"I'm going to move out too, I can't believe Mother," Cas said, helping Jimmy unpack his kitchen.

"I know, and the thing is I believe Hazel I didn't even question it," Jimmy replied, stopping what he was doing looking at his brother.

Cas shook his head he did the same thing when Dean told him, it was crazy they sat through the dinner like nothing Hazel was keeping in that secrete while seated at the table with their mother no wonder she got upset. Dean acting like he didn't know anything, Cas and Jimmy applauded them for their ability to work like nothing was wrong.

"Cas, I hope... I hope Hazel shows up. I'm so worried," Jimmy said, sitting down at the table, running his hands over his face and sighing.

"She's smart and can take care of herself. Hazel will make her way back once she knows she not in trouble," Cas said. He wanted to help Jimmy go out and find Hazel for him, but if Dean couldn't find her, who would.


Hazel thought about leaving town, but they would check the bus stations.

There was am old safe house way out of the way that Hazel was sure no one would find her. She was exhausted by the time she made it there checking for traps and anything else once it was clear she made her way inside.

Hazel felt the first wave a tiny cramp signaling the start of her heat. Her heats were awful. They were more intense. They had to remove her tubes do to an infection caused by Alistair cutting her open sometimes, she got a fever, and it was an excellent standard, and other times it was horrible, and she was all alone.

There were some old blankets and pillows in the closet she made a nest on the floor layout her supplies, setting traps to let her know if anyone was approaching and settled in waiting for the worst of her heat.


"Dad, I think I may know where she is," Sam said, running into the living room. He hadn't slept in days worried about his sister wondering where she went. Everyone else thought she might have skipped town, but Sam and Dean knew that she wouldn't leave. She was too smart for that.

"Where at?" Dean asked he wanted to know what Sammy was thinking.

"Here, there's an old safe house. We didn't check this one. It's time for Haze's heat. We need to find her," Sam said

John nodded it was worth a shot, the three of them loaded into Johns truck they would call Jimmy if she was there no reason to get his hopes up for no reason if Hazel wasn't there.

They pulled up as far as they could in the truck before walking the rest of the way.

"She's here," Dean said, smiling at Sammy.

"I knew it," Sam said, starting to run towards the cabin.

"Wait," John yelled, knowing his daughter she laid traps, "she got it bobby trapped, look," he pulled up a thin wire they followed it to the explosive she had rigged to scare but not hurt . John shook his head. He taught her too well.

The disabled the trap taking their time making their way to the cabin and up the stairs, Dean called out her name peaking through the window they could smell her the scent was strong.

"Dean, this way," John said, cracking the door sniping the line to the next trap she had set, hoping she didn't have a second one.

"There's a secondary," Hazel yelled, making her way to the door disabling the trap before stumbling.

John caught her, pulling her tight kissing the top of her head. She laid her head in his chest his scent was comforting like when she had a nightmare, the undertone of familiar Alpha eased her Omega.

"Baby, girl, you aren't in trouble. Mick wanted to talk to you about Michael and your pup," John said.

"That's not," she breathed in a shaky breath and let it out.

John scooped her up, telling Dean to grab her bag they were heading home. Sam called Jimmy, letting him know they found Hazel, and she was fine, but in heat, he would have to wait to see her. He said he didn't care and could control himself around her; he wanted to make sure himself.


"Hey baby, " Jimmy said, kissing Hazel's forehead.

"mmm, that's nice, " she was a bit out of it.

"She has been in and out; don't stay too long, " John said, poking his head into Hazel's room.

Jimmy caressed her face happy she was ok; Hazel grabbed his hand when he moved it, looking at him with love in her eyes.

"Thank you for checking on me, " she said, she was trying hard to let him in.

"Of course, I have some news, but I want to wait till your heat is over, " Jimmy said, smiling at her.

"mmm, K, Alpha, " she was drifting off to sleep.

Jimmy made his way out to the living room; everyone was out there talking about Hazel and if it was a good idea to send her back to the facility.

"No, Mick called me on the way over, " Jimmy said.

"What?" Dean asked.

"He found her pup."

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