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Two weeks and they still had no idea where Cas and Sam were. Gabriel decided it would be a good idea to go visit John, he may know where they are.

Gabriel limped into the prison, showed his ID and told them who he was there to see, the guard looked at him.

"His son is my Omega," Gabriel said.

The guard nodded in response, another guard came and got him showing him to the visiting room. Gabriel sat down at the table, surprised they allowed people to touch.

John came in a looked disappointment on his face and then surprised when Gabriel raised his hand, signaling for John to come over to his table.

"Which one?" John asked.

"I'm sorry," Gabriel said, confused.

"Which one of my kids shot you? My bets on Hazel. Girls a sharpshooter like her Daddy," John said with pride in his voice.

"How did you know that I was shot?" Gabriel whispered.

"I got eyes and ears outside," John said.

"Then you know Sam is my new Omega," Gabriel said.

John nodded now. It all made sense why Hazel shot Gabriel and kidnapped the brother.

"It's a horrible feeling, isn't it?" John asked.

"What is?" Gabriel asked.

"The not knowing where your baby brother is, not knowing if he's being treated nicely or if they are beating him for what he is," John replied.

"Look, I just wanna know if you know where they are," Gabriel replied.

"No idea," John said, standing up.

"John, you know it's not safe for them," Gabriel pleaded.

"Judging by the fact that you have a bullet hole in your leg that my baby girl put there, I'd say they are just fine," John said, heading out of the room and back to his cell.

Gabriel sighed, stood, and left the building. That was a waste of time. John wasn't going to tell him anything.


Cas was surprised by the fact that they were kind to him; besides keeping him bound, they pretty much took care of him, making sure he got enough to eat and plenty of water. He was amazed at the kindness they showed him. Bobby left to get some info on John and help other Omegas avoid the catchers.

"Cas, you ok?" Dean asked.

"Yeah, I am surprised is all," he replied.

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