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Maybe, we should let him go?" Sam said to Hazel as they were getting ready to move on. 

"I don't know. I don't want Cas leading the catchers back to us," she replied. Making sure they got all of their stuff, so there was no trace of them anywhere.

"Dean and I talked about it, and if you agree we can blindfold him, let count to one hundred, and he won't know where we went," Sam said hopefully.

"It is one less mouth to feed," she said, mulling it over, "fine. We can let Cas go, but if as so much as breaths a word of where we are, I will shot him."

"Agreed," Sam said with a huge smile on his face.

Dean and Cas were walking the perimeter checking for Catchers and nosy people looking for Omegas to report for a reward.

"If Hazel agrees and we let you go, you won't tell where we are going, right?" Dean asked.

"What if I don't wanna go back?" Cas asked, "what if I wanna stay?"

"Why?" Dean asked, taken back by Cas answer.

"I like you... you guys, and I mean if you get caught you are with an Alpha they can't say anything," Cas said, with a bit of a blush.

Hazel and Same made their way out of the cabin, Sam nodded to Dean who smiled. Hazel looked at Dean a raised an eyebrow; he and Cas were standing extremely close. They had been getting closer over the past couple of weeks. Dean made sure that Cas' bind wasn't too tight when he was bound now that he wasn't any more Dean made sure when Cas said something that Hazel didn't agree with she didn't shoot him.

"You can go home," Hazel said to Cas handing Dean a backpack.

"I don't wanna go home," Cas said.

"We can't keep feeding you," she responded.
"What if you get caught? I can say I am your new alpha we haven't had a chance to mate, Sam is my brothers Omegas and Dean well I can say he is mine too, we can have more than one," Cas said.

"Fine, do what you want," Hazel said, heading deep into the woods to the next safe house.

No one traveled deep into the woods, only a few who still hunted, but that was far and in between now. The cabin belonged to Bobby's friends, who had died a few years ago. The only people who were this deep in the woods should have been the four of them, but it wasn't.

"Stop," the guy yelled, holding what looked like a makeshift spear.

Dean shoved Cas and Sam between him and Hazel. The three of them had guns Bobby had left with them. Hazel and Dean both had custom colts that John had made for them, but they didn't need to know that. Three more Omegas came out from behind the trees hold the same spares.

Hazel sighed, turned, and looked a Dean. This wasn't the first time they were confronted by other Omegas on the run, but it was the first time they had someone with them, they knew who couldn't fight for shit.

"What do you want?" Dean asked.

"We want all your stuff," the guy said.

"That's not going to happen," Dean replied, placing a hand on Hazel's shoulder to steady her. Dean knew his sister she was the hot head of the two of them if it were up to her; she would have shot all four of them already.

"Come on, we don't wanna hurt you," the guy said, as the ones behind them inches closer.

Dean looked at Hazel and smiled. She knew what the smile meant, it was the shits about to go down smile.

"You don't wanna hurt us?' Sam asked.
"Shut up, kid, hand it over now," the guy repeated.
"Four on three, I like those odds," Hazel said, flashing a wicked smile.

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