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Chapter 8

Cas and Dean headed out on their date after making up about that miss understanding, Cas showed up the day after Hazel punched Jimmy with flowers and candy apologizing to Dean for making him upset.

They had to wait a week for the next date, Dean went into heat, and since Cas was not officially Dean's Alpha yet, they couldn't be together during that time.

At that time, Jimmy asked Cas about Hazel.

"No way," Cas said.

"Why not?" Jimmy asked

"There's no way that she is going to allow you to court her," Cas said matter of factly.

"What happened?"

Cas shook his head and told Jimmy that if he wanted to know, he needed to ask Hazel. As part of the courting, they needed to have dinner at each other house with family present, and tonight Cas was headed to the Winchester figured it wouldn't hurt to bring Jimmy along.

They pulled up to the Winchester Hazel was out front sitting on the porch, she looked like she was waiting for someone.

Cas waved at her. She waved back.

"You guys are early. Dean kicked me out," she said, explaining why she was sitting on the porch.

"You remember Jimmy," Cas said.

"Sorry I punched you," she said, looking at the ground.

In all the months that he has known Haze,l she has never put her head down when talking to an Alpha.

"It's cool," Jimmy said.

Hazel motioned for them to follow her, she opened the door.

"I thought I told you..." Dean trailed off spotting Cas and Jimmy.

"He's here," she said.

Dean made a face, John v=came out.

"Can we at least act as if I taught you manners?" John asked, "you must be Jimmy, Hazel hasn't shut up about you."

"Jesus, Dad?" Hazel said, blushing.

John looked at her and shrugged. Jimmy smiled.

John ushered everyone in the living room, Cas asked where Sam was, he told him that Gabriel had taken Sam to the museum for a class project. They had remand friends after Gabriel signed "ownership" back to John. Cas thought it was nice that they didn't hold anything against Gabriel for taking Sam.

"If it was up to me..." Hazel started to say.

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