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Cas and Dean were making out in Cas' room; things were getting hot and heavy when Cas pulled away, causing Dean to whine a bit. He liked the feeling of Cas on him, and he wanted more.

"We will, but we gotta wait. I promised your dad," Cas said, smiling down at Dean.

Dean rolled his eyes and pushed Cas away. John was always sticking his nose in where it doesn't belong. Why did it matter if they had sex now or a week from now? It wasn't going to change anything. He sighed he was worried about Hazel he hadn't talk to her since she yelled at everyone and stormed out one could find her for over three hours, they did end up finding her in a tree asleep. It always amazed Dean she never fell out doing that.

"Talk to me," Cas said, standing behind Dean, placing his chin on Dean's shoulder.

"It's Hazel, I mean, I know she's got her shit to work through, but I want to help her. I know she's mad that I'm with you and Sam is hanging out with Gabriel but I... I don't know, I miss her, this is worse than when she got caught," he said sighing.

Cas turned Dean in his arms, so he was facing him, "this is something she needs to work through. I know you don't like being away from her, but it will help her, I promise," Cas said.

"I know, but never mind you won't understand," Dean said, pulling away.

"Dean, come on," Cas said, trying to pull him back into his arms.

"Haze is right. I forgot all the shit we had been through, why we took you in the first place. What the fuck is wrong with me?" Dean said, opening the door and running down the stairs.

Cas was yelling for him to come back, and they could talk about it, he didn't need to leave. Dean turned around tears, filled his eyes.

"I choose you over her, my sister, the one person who had always been there no matter what. Who fought with every ounce of strength she had to get to us, and I just..." Dean let out a shaky breath,  "I'm going home."

Cas followed Dean in his car as Dean walked down the street, telling him to get in the car that he would take Dean home; it was too far to walk. Dean stopped and looked at him, sighing before he got into the car that he was right, it was far to their house walking.

Dean didn't say anything the whole ride home. He was angry that he just jumped into the courting with Cas as if nothing had happened.

"Dean, please talk to me," Cas said. He wanted to know why Dean was so upset about everything all of a sudden.

Dean didn't say anything at first he stared at the window watching the trees pass, there was something that Dean had shoved deep down, and he didn't want Cas to know that he was scared Cas was going to be like Michael and he was pretty sure that's what Hazel thought too.

They pulled up to the house John and Sammy were out front pulling weeds. Dean got out of the car and ran up the stairs and into the house.

"What happened?" John asked.d

"He needs to see Hazel, other than that I don't know," Cas replied, leaning back against the car.

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