Chapter 17

Dean and Cas made the plan for Dean to move in while on the camping trip. Sam was happy for his siblings, finding their Alphas. When they got home, Dean and Cas took Mary Hazel was feeling the start of her heat, and John agreed she should spend it with Jimmy.

"Dad, it's going to be ok," Dean said, placing a hand no John's shoulder.

"I know, I'm worried about your sister," John said, setting Mary down in the grass of the back yard.

Dean shook his head; this was the first time Hazel had been away from John willingly during a heat.

"Get out of here, Mary, and I will come by tomorrow while Sams at school," John said, hugging his son.

It was going to be strange without Dean in the house, but John had Mary and Sam, so he was happy for now until he had to give Mary back to her mama.

Cas smiled spotting Dean walking out of the house with the last duffle bag, he tossed it in the back of the SUV and climbed in the passenger seat.

"You ready?" Cas asked, getting into the driver's seat.

"I don't know," Dean said, looking at the house. Sam, John, and Mary stood there, waving at him.

"We don't have to go today," Cas said, sitting back and looking at Dean.

Dean took a deep breath and nodded, telling Cas he was fine and it was going to be ok, Cas looked worried but started the car before Dean changed his mind. He didn't say much to Cas looked out the window deep in thought before Dean spoke up.

"I'm worried about Haze," Dean said, looking at Cas.

"She will be ok. I promise, and if Jimmy hurts her, I'll kick his ass myself," Cas said, reaching for Dean's hand.

Dean laughed he was happy to know that Cas was on the same page as he was, and there wasn't much to worry about Cas bought the house next door to Jimmy with the thought that Dean and Hazel wouldn't want to be too far apart.

As they pulled up, the nerves seem to settle. Dean got out of the car and looked at the house for some reason it seemed a lot bigger today than it had any other time he had been there visiting Cas.

Cas gave Dean a soft smile knowing this was hard for him, leaving John and Sam. they gathered most of Dean's stuff from the back of the SUV and headed inside, taking Dean's clothes up to the bedroom so he could put them away.

"Do you have a preference to what side?" Cas asked as they walked through the house.

Dean looked around, shocked at how large the house was. It was similar in size as Jimmy and Hazel's, but for some reason being in here looking around that the white walls still left undecorated and the beige carpet leading up the stairs. Dean felt at home because he was with Cas.

"No, I don't care," Dean said, following Cas down the hall to the master bedroom.

"There are five rooms and three bathrooms," Cas said, opening the door.

"Holy shit," Dean said, walking into the room.

The master bedroom was massive; a large sleigh bed sat in the middle-high up off the ground, large pillows with a fluffy blanket were calling Dean's name, he dropped his bags, kicked off his shoes and jumped on the bed.

Cas laughed, watching Dean happy that he was feeling at home and apprehensive about moving in together. Cas laid on the bed next to Dean and smiled.

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