Chapter 14

Hazel paced the room, waiting for Jimmy to come over. He said he had big news for her but would tell Hazel what it was. She tried getting it out of her brother's bit. They wouldn't budge.

Jimmy finally made it to the house with Cas Hazel was waiting on the front porch. Jimmy hugged her. Hazel had let her guard down. She noticed how different he and Cas were from the other Alphas.

"What did you wanna tell me?" Hazel asked, excited for the news.

"Let's sit down," Jimmy said, ushered Hazel into the house.

Hazel sighed but did what Jimmy said if it meant finding out what he wanted to tell her.

"I'm sitting, tell me," Hazel said, impatiently.

Jimmy sat down next to her taking her hand. Hazel looked at him.

"While you were gone, I got some news," Jimmy started.

"I know this, get to the good stuff," Hazel said.

John tsked at her tell her not to rush him; she's waited this long.

Jimmy took a deep breath, "Mick, he found your pup," Jimmy said, smiling.

Hazel's face fell, she stood up and left the room.

The men looked at each other, not knowing what to say; they weren't expecting that.

"I'll go," Dean said, heading to Hazels room.

Dean knocked on the door Hazel didn't answer, he opened the door she was sitting on her bed staring out the window. As Dean walked around, he saw tears rolling down her cheeks.

"Haze?" Dean asked gently.

Hazle turned and looked at him. She shook her head and started crying harder. Dean sat down and pulled her into a hug.

"He told me, he said," she started to say but sobbed harder.

"What did he say?" Dean asked gently.

"He told me she died, that he killed her," Hazel said, letting out a sob.

Dean sighed out his deep breath. The more he learns, the more pissed he gets about that stupid law. Jimmy knocked on the door. Hazel looked up at him.

"Sweetheart, it's her. John gave me your toothbrush," Jimmy said, switching spots with Dean.

Hazel hugged him, "can I see her?" Hazel asked.

"Yes, Mick has everything set up we can go now if you want," Jimmy said.

Hazel jumped up saying yes what were they waiting for, she ran to the bathroom brushed her teeth again, washing face looking at what she was wearing, Hazel ran back to her room to change into something more agreeable.

"Haze, calm down," John said, taking his daughter by the hands.

"Daddy, I, what if," Hazel couldn't finish what she was saying.

"Don't worry. We're all going. I wanna meet my grandbaby," John said with a smile.

Hazel nodded, hugging John. She finally settled on top to wear and headed out of the room. Hazel took a deep breath, following everyone out of the house to the cars electing to ride with Jimmy and Cas. Dean followed along while Sam and John took his truck. Cas drove so Jimmy could keep an eye on Hazel. They were doing outpatient treatment since she knew all the escape routes in the facility.

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