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They finally made it to the cabin. Bobby had gotten there before them, asking where the hell they had been. After explaining that they were confronted by a group of Omegas, and they were taken care of Bobby relaxed.

"Your brother is now the face of getting the law overturned," Bobby said to Cas.

"Gabriel, really?" Cas asked.

"What's in it for him?" Hazel asked.

They all looked at her like they wanted to say something like he was different. Not everyone needs something to help get the law overturned or modified.

Cas winced when he moved, Dean, looked at him.

"Let me see," Dean said, moving next to him.

"I'm fine," he said, holding on to the edge of his shirt.

"You are not fine," Sam said, looking him over.

The four of them looking at him like he was a kid in trouble, he sighed and lifted his shirt. There was a giant purple, and a blue bruise covers his whole side. It had started out a small kick size, but this was way worse than they thought.

"You have to go to the hospital," Dean said.

"No, I'm fine, I don't wanna leave you guys," Cas said.

"You are no good to them dead," Bobby said.

Cas winced, sucking in a breath. He really didn't wanna leave them knowing what was really going on and the fact Omegas will kill each other to keep from being captured. He looked at Bobby and then Dean.

"Cas, you gotta go," Dean said.

Hazel scoffed, watching the two of them and then left the room. She didn't want to watch them make heart eyes at each other; if Dean wanted to end up nude, collared calling Cas master that was his problem as far she was concerned.

Bobby went to find her, see what was going on. He wasn't the most affectionate, but he was a second father to them, so if something was up, he was going to find out.

"What with the black eye you and Dean are sporting?" Bobby asked.
"We got into a fight," she said, not looking at him.
"Baby girl, I know what you went through; you can't be made that Dean likes the guy," Bobby said.

"I know, I'm trying not to be, but his brother is Michael," she whispered.

Bobby shook his head, this made so much more sense. Hazel had never told anybody his last name. Now he knew why she lead the charge, not waiting for them to come up with a better plan she was going to kill Michael and not let what happened to her happen to Sam.

Bobby pulled her into a tight hug and kissed the top of her head. Dean came in the room, bug smile on his face.

"Sis, look, Pie!" excitement in his voice.

"You got us pie?" Hazel asked, looking at Bobby.

"You deserve something special, and your Daddy says hello," Bobby said.

Hazel had a ton of questions about John that he said he would answer after they ate dinner. Cas was helping Sam set the table, while Dean went back to making dinner. Hazel didn't know what to do, so she cleaned her gun.

"Will you show me?" Cas asked, sitting next to her.

"No, ask Dean he is a better teacher then I am," she said, aligning the sight.

"I have more ammo for you," Bobby said, handing her a box of bullets, she loaded her clip and the two extras she had.

Cas sighed, he was just trying to get to know her, he was going to show her that he was not Michael. Cas would never teach an Omega the way Michael treated Hazel.

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