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I didn't know what to feel about moving to Washington, Seattle to be exact. Ms. Chambers suggested it since the University I am about to enrolled in is in Partnership with her lab, some students are being taught by her.

I told Jake about it and he was happy for me, he said it was a good thing that I pursue college. I'm just glad he didn't become too overprotective this time.

So now here am I, at my own apartment, in Seattle.

It was small, smaller than the old one that I used to stay at, but it was nice and cozy and simple. It was like small room with the couch, living room and kitchen all in one space, and the bed too was in the view. There's one window and it gave me a view of the sky. It was a bright blue color, not a cloud in sight.

I didn't have that much stuff, majority of it were clothes so unpacking wasn't really an issue.

What else do I need? Hmm... clothes are packed, room doesn't need that much cleaning it's pretty much okay.

While I was thinking, I felt my stomach grumble.

Right. Food.

Sighing, I picked up my phone and wallet, and keys and stepped out of the apartment. I locked the door and went to the nearby grocery store I saw that isn't too far from my place.

American food is weird, so much junk food, and why is this water more expensive than soda? Don't get me wrong, I enjoy some sweets from time to time but this is just too much.

While I was looking at some produce, someone bumped onto me making me drop the apple I was holding.

"Sorry" The guy mutters as he continues on his way.

Wait. That voice.

I know that voice.

"Hey!" I called him out. He ignored me and continued on his way. He was wearing a hoodie so I couldn't see any of his features.

I picked the apple up and went on with my day, but I still couldn't get that hoodie guy out of my head.

He gave me a weird feeling, but maybe I'm just thinking too much. After everything that happened, I've been paranoid.


double updates because I might not update again for a while. sorry.

Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now