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P.s. shameless plug but I have a new story, hahaha if y'all want some Leon fanfic to feel free to check it out! it's titled, 'starting over again.'

I hope you enjoy this chapter! ❤️



"Be careful!" Sherry shouts at us.

I look up at her and nod, "You guys, too! There's a door here... we'll try and find a way out!"

We stepped through the rusted door, with Piers walking first with his rifle raised, then Jake, and with me behind my brother. We were in what looked like a hospital hallway, there were various rooms where you could see through the rooms with the glass window along the halls. Some of the lights weren't working making the entire area dimly lit. Jake and Piers still had their guns raised as we walked along the hall.

A room next to me had a light on and out of curiosity I looked into one of it. There was a body strapped on the bed; their arms, legs, and torso held down with a black strap. I couldn't tell if it was a boy or a girl, they looked so pale, sickly, and very emaciated. But I was sure with one thing; this is a child. Their heart monitor was still on, and it showed a very slow heartbeat.

I was in shock, I don't know if I'm pissed or scared or... "What the hell are they doing to these people...?"

"Sapph. Come on," Jake lightly pulled my arm. I wanted to look away but I couldn't. They were gazing blankly at the wall and their eyes landed on me. Their eyes were the same as Jake's. They opened their mouth but, and within that second their head slouched.

They... Jesus...

"Test subjects... so far no one has survived. Shame..." There it was, the same masculine voice from earlier.

"How could you?" I looked around, and my eyes landed on a CCTV that was on high on a wall on my left. "HOW COULD YOU!?"

"Sometimes you have to separate the chaff from the wheat, child. Not everyone is as important as you hear people say." The light from the CCTV flickered off.

"You monster! You'll pay for this!"

"Come on! We don't have time to waste." Jake pulls me again and this time I follow him.

Who the hell does he think he is? To do this to innocent people, let alone children?! What kind of a monster?! We found a door and it leads to the plight of stairs. The three of us cautiously walked up there, and it leads to another room. It was the security rooms, and from there we could see all of the areas in the entire building. The room was empty.  I went closer to the monitors and spotted Chris and the rest on a maze-like room, they were fighting against mutated zombies.

"What is this?" I hear Piers say. I turn to him and he was on a knee, a couple of feet from me with his back facing me. Jake, was trying to open one door but it wouldn't budge. I went to Piers and looked at what he got his attention too.

It was a syringe, filled with an orange liquid. It was in a transparent case. Piers got up and inspected it.


Piers placed it in his pocket as he spoke, "We might need it." Sapphire nods.

"Hey!" Jake calls us and we turn to him. "This door's open. Come on!"

Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now