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Piers and I rushed upstairs, his arm on my shoulder as he pulled me close to him. We went through the steel door on our left and we were greeted by a maze-like room. The walls were grey. It looked like an unfinished room of some sort. Piers kept me behind him as we walked through the room. I could still hear the guns firing outside the room we were in.

"You know people like us don't deserve to mingle with genetically inferior creatures." I hear a feminine voice say. "We're special; unique." I looked around as I tried to follow where the voice was coming from.

"Redfield and the rest are just... pests we have to get rid of," The feminine voice adds.

"And who gets to decide that, huh? You and daddy dearest?" I reply.

She chuckles, "You won't understand it now, but once you see our new world you will." My eyes land on Piers who was looking around, his gun raised.

I heard faint footsteps on the wall on my right and I held Piers's arms, telling him to move on the other corner on his left in a whisper. I could still hear the sound of her footsteps.

"Where are you? Come out, I want to meet my half-brother's little sister," She teases but spits out the word 'half-brother.' I clutch Piers's arm and point behind him, ushering him to move there.

"Someone doesn't sound too happy with someone." I point out as Piers and I moved.

"Ha! Is that so? Oh, why wouldn't I be? Dearest Jake Muller has always been perfect in father's eyes. Always watched over him... made sure he was safe..." There was jealousy in her voice. Anyone would be able to tell.

Every time she sounded close, I would usher Piers to move to further.

"And then you came in the picture, and dear old father was so interested to know you too. Apparently you were special too... You got in an accident, right? Just a wee kid and got hit by a car?"

How on earth...? Piers and I looked back at each other, he has a frown on his face. Probably confused about how that lady could know that information. Sherry and Jake were the only ones who knew.

"Ugh, come on step-sister, I want to meet you!" She calls out in a teasing manner. "Come out, come out wherever you are!"

"Anyway... father also told me that he needs you alive, so don't worry I'm not going to kill you... but I think he doesn't need all of you. Just you alive and breathing would be enough." Piers and I ran to another corner and we were hit by an awful smell. There was a dead soldier with its back leaning on the wall. I picked up the grenade that was on his vest and held onto it. We were going to need it.

"Hi, Piers. Remember me?" What? "I miss you, you know? Maybe I'll keep you around once I find you two. I hope she didn't mind where that mouth was."




What the hell was she on about?

"I'll just put red jewel back and then you'll be mine again. Ah, there you are!" She was a couple of meters in front of us, her eyes glowing red like mine. Piers fired his rifle but she swiftly dodged it. She stops in front of us and kicks Piers, making him fly a couple of feet away from me, she picks up his gun that he dropped and tossing it somewhere in the hall. Piers groaned as he curled on the ground. Her hand tightly clutched my neck, and my hands flew to her wrists, trying to pry it off. She lands a punch on my gut, knocking out the wind in me. She throws me to the ground making me drop the grenade that I was holding. She goes on top of me and chokes me with two hands.

I tried to pry her hands off me but she was too strong. I was coughing as I struggled under her. I looked around and my eyes landed on the syringe we found earlier. I reached out for it but it was too far. My vision was slowly turning black. I was a second from fainting when the pressure on my neck was gone. I gasped as my hand flew to my neck out of instinct. Someone pulled me close, and I heard a familiar feminine voice.

"You're okay, you're okay... easy," It was Jill. I looked ahead of me and saw the lady crouched on the ground as she groaned in pain. Leon was behind her, holding the syringe I was reaching for earlier. I looked back and saw Piers unconscious, and not too far from me was the grenade. I quickly pulled myself away from Jill and picked up the grenade. I pulled the pin and when Jill and Leon picked up what I was going to do, they ran towards where Piers was. I stood up and threw the grenade at the lady and ran. Jill pulled me close to her as the explosion went off. There was dust and dirt on the air, the walls where I threw the grenade destroyed. And not too far from us I could hear her groaning. Leon checked on Piers while I went to see where she was with Jill behind me. I found Piers rifle and picked it up along the way. I found her at the end of the corridor. She was slumped on the ground, her body bloody, with a missing limb.

She looks up at me and smirks. "Lucky you."

I raised the rifle and aimed it at her. She chuckles.

"You do—"I pulled the trigger and the bullet went through her head. Her body goes limp as I put the gun down.

"Hey, we gotta go. Leon found an exit to this building."

I turn to her, "I'm not leaving Jake."

"Jake will be fine, trust me, all right? Everything's under control. Now we gotta go."

Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now