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"What?" What the hell is she going on about? Albert Wesker is dead, he was killed by Redfield years ago. "Redfield killed him years ago!"

"Oh, is that what they thought?" Albert spoke up. I turned my attention to him and he took a few steps forward, all why saying.

"They killed a clone of mine, it's a long story and I don't think it's appropriate for us to talk about it here."

"I heard about what happened to Margaret, my condolences." He takes off his sunglasses and I saw a pair of bright pair of orange eyes, it looked like a cat's eye.

"What do you want?" I asked, keeping myself alert with whatever he plans to do. I held my gun tight.

"Is it bad for a father to try and meet his son? I was hoping you were going to be... Happier."

I scoffed. "You weren't there for twenty years, I didn't need you then and I won't need you now." And then I add, "And considering your reputation, you're not the type to do things out of kindness."

"You're right." He smirked and it made my blood boil, "I never do things out of kindness."

"Ahh!" I turned to Sherry and she was clutching her neck, she pulled what looked like a syringe-or-some-sort.

"Jake..." The skin on her neck was starting to turn purple.

"Shit! Sherry!" I quickly went to catch her when her body went limp. She was shaking a bit, the purple was spreading on her skin.

"You bastard! What did you do to her!?"

"Oh don't worry, there's a cure for that, but just like you said I don't things out of kindness."

"What do you want!?" I was getting pissed at his stupid antics, and it wasn't helping that Sherry was starting to shake. "Shit, Sherry, hey... hey I'm gonna fix this, okay?"

"Whatever he tells you..." She croaks out, "Don't do it, please... Don't do it." She was shaking her head as she spoke.

"Aww, how heart warming. It's a shame we had to meet like this again, Ms. Birkin."

I looked up to Wesker, "Well? What the hell do you want?!"

"You, Jake."

"Why? Is it because of my blood? We literally have the same thing!" Sherry began to convulse. "Shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck! FINE! I'll do whatever you want! Just fix this!" I was crying, but I didn't care.

"...No... Don't..." Sherry croaked but I ignored her.

Sherry had to be okay, she has to be cured.

She's the priority here.

I can take care of myself.

Something shot out of nowhere and hit Sherry's arm, and something hit the back of my neck along the process.

I was starting to feel dizzy. Even though my vision was getting blurry, I noticed her skin was starting to go back to normal.

Good... she's the priority here.

I felt my body collapse on the floor while my vision got darker, and from the side of my eye I saw two figures standing in front of me, one was taller than the other, and smaller too.

I had no idea how long I was out. I woke up in an empty room, the walls painted white, and one wall was a giant glass wall. I couldn't move.

Damn it, I'm strapped on the bed! The only thing I could move was my head. I tried to lean us as much as I could, and I managed to get a glimpse of what was outside the glass wall better.

There were giants tubes outside, and there were people in it. The straps on my arms released.

These people didn't even bother putting a shirt on me.

I walked closer to the glass wall to get a closer look on the people who were there.

God, these people are morbid.

One of the tubes caught my eye, and the person inside it looked oddly familiar.

Oh shit,

Oh my fuck...

That's Piers.

Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now