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Leon ran inside an unfinished skyscraper. He wandered around the area, looking for a perfect spot to place the tracker in. He ended up in a large room where a bunch of pillars stood. He went to the furthest one, the one which he can barely see. As he placed the tracker there, he heard the sound of heels echoing in the empty room.

So it's a girl, huh?

He thought as he hid behind the pillar. He kept his ears on where the sound was coming from, waiting for the right time to move to the other side of the room. When the person sounded like they were only a couple of meters from him, he quietly and quickly moved to the other side of the room, using the blindspots around the area to his advantage.

He finds an exit a couple of meters from him and heads there as fast as he could without making any noise. Leon ends up in a backroom that had makeshift rooms built. He steps inside on the first room on his left. There was a window there draped with a plastic cover. He carefully lifts the plastic and hops over the window.

He was outside now, and a couple of meters from him was the exit where he told Chris and Carlos to wait. He looks at his watch as he begins to walk.

Five minutes. Still got some time. Leon thought as he began to sprint to the gates. When he got to it, he climbs over and lands on his feet.

"Start the car!" Leon says as he hops in. "Let's go!" Carlos hits the gas and the car bolts out of the place.

"Where to now?" Carlos asks as he kept his eyes on the road.

"You two up for an out of a country trip?" Chris asks.

"Got not much to do here really," Leon speaks up. "I'm in!"

"Can't. I have other things I need to do." Was Carlos' reply. "Where do you guys want to be dropped off?"

"B.S.A.A. Headquarters," Chris pulls out his phone and sends a quick message to her sister. He didn't want her to go looking for him again once he's out of the country. There was a nagging thought in his head that what was happening would be far from over. "Thanks, Carlos."

"Don't thank me, thank your girlfriend." Carlos chuckles.


"Wake up you two!" Ada barges in the room, making the couple groan. "We need to leave, the sooner we get out of this place the better." They were staying at one of Ada's hideouts. It was a small place, but somehow it didn't make them feel as if they were clustered together. They still had their needed privacy when doing certain things.

"Ugh, five minutes!" Jake groans as he pulls a pillow over his face. Sherry gets up from her bed, teaching her arms as she did so.

"She's got a point Jake, wake up!" Sherry shakes him but he only groans.

Ada rolls her eyes, "Stop acting like a child and get out of bed, I have other things to do the moment I bring you two back to Edonia."

"Jake!" Sherry hits his shoulder and Jake sits up straight, rubbing the spot where she hit him.

"Ow! Fine! I'll get ready!" Jake whines as he gets up from the bed, rubbing an eye as he did so. His mind was blank until he remembered what Ada said.

"Wait? Why Edonia?" He asked in a confused tone.

"Do whatever you need to do, clean clothes are in the closet over there--" She points at the closet near Sherry's bed. "--but be quick, I'm a busy person." Was Ada's last words before stepping out of the room, shutting the door as she did so.

Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now