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Yes, I deleted the last chapter so I could re-write it. I feel like it would make the story end a lot faster and I don't want that to happen. Second, I feel like my writing has been shit for the past few days and I just want to say sorry. With online classes going on I haven't been able to focus well on the chapters and I know that I promised you guys I wouldn't be updating only for the sake of updating and I messed up.

I swear I'll make the chapters better. I don't want the votes this book gets to go to nothing.

I hope you all enjoy this one!

Minor edits, please ignore. (06/03/20)


The wheel at the back of the van popped. The guy parked the car and when the guy that was driving stepped out of the van, I took that as an opportunity to sneak out of the vehicle through the front seat, taking the few spare changes I saw on the floor of the van. He was cussing on how his delivery was going to be late and that this was such a bad time. When I got out, I didn't bother closing the door and just walked away as casually as I can. It was late and he stopped at a crossroad.

I should've taken that bastard Daniel's wallet. Could've gotten something useful from that prick. Shit, I don't even know where I am, and the only thing I have now are spare changes.

Just my luck.

While I was walking, my eyes landed on a huge map that was attached to a bus stop.

Good. I'm still in Seattle, I just need to find my way home. I took a pamphlet from the bus stop and looked at it. It showed a big portion of where I'm at. The B.S.A.A. is at least a four hour walk from where I'm at.

That's better than nothing, I guess.


Jake was on a bed, a mask on his face. He was fast asleep. The research Albert was doing on him was at a steady pace. Crystal, the short haired, blue eyed lady that was with him was observing Jake. Despite having the same father, their only similarity was their father's once icy blue eyes. Jake had ginger hair, while hers was black, which would turn into golden brown when hit by the light. He was pale and she had a tan complexion. She was curious as to why her father wanted Jake all of the sudden.

You're just like me, A thought suddenly popped in her head. Maybe that's why he wanted you, so you'd be a part of his new world.

Crystal knew how cold and cruel Albert Wesker can be, but she couldn't blame him. She agreed with what Wesker told her. This planet was dying and Uroboros is the only one that can save it. They might not understand it now, but they will soon.

They'll see. And they'll be thankful of what he'll do.

"I've been looking everywhere for you." Crystal hears Albert's voice as he steps in the room.

She turns to him, "Is there anything you need me to do, father?"

He shakes his head, "Something in me thought you were going to be here. Worried about you older brother?"

"What if he doesn't agree with us?" Crystal spoke up, a worried frown etched on her face.

"Oh he will, my dear child. You leave that to me."

"The girl, Birkin. What will we need her for."

"The virus in her. That's what we need. Who knows? Maybe we can turn her into another Valentine?" Wesker smirked, recalling the time when he had injected Jill Valentine with a drug that made her an obedient soldier. He still had those with him. "Anyway, what's the news regarding Sapphire?"

"There's a problem. Our supplier said she escaped. Daniel's also in bad condition."

"What happened? You said everything was set?" The tone of Albert's voice made Crystal scared, but she quickly composed herself.

"I'm still looking into it. I promise I'll fix this." Crystal swears and Albert tucks a lose strand of her hair behind her ear.

"You better, child. You know I hate it when people can't keep their word." Albert warns and she nods. She excuses herself before leaving the room. Albert sighs in annoyance. Everything is going according to his plan and he cannot afford any further delays. (*wink)

"If your blood is in her, and my theory is correct..." He wonders as he looks at Jake. "Then she is one lucky girl, isn't she?"

He hums as he walks closer to Jake's sleeping form, "But if she becomes a threat to my plans I won't hesitate on disposing of the poor girl."

"Once Uroboros is out they'll understand why I did it. They'll thank me for it. And so will you. One glimpse of my new world, and it will all make perfect sense." He pulls out a syringe from his coat and injects it to Jake's arm. He watched the veins on Jake's arm turn purple seconds before it went back to normal.

"Have a taste of what true power feels like, my child" He pulls the syringe out and throws it at the bin before exiting his room. While he walked his eyes landed on Sherry who was also fast asleep in the room next to Jake's. Smirking, he takes out his phone and calls someone.


"Have someone prepare the red jewel for me. I have the perfect test subject for it."

"Right away, sir" And with that Albert ends the call.

I believe I should thank you, Chris. The smirk still on Albert's face as the thought popped in his head.


Just did some minor changes on the spelling, please ignore.

Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now