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Class wag going on as usual; quiet... kind of boring, I mean, what else is new? Isn't that how most classes go by?

Only a few more minutes, just five more minutes left and you'll be free to go home.

The professor was rambling about something in front when a loud siren went off.

"Oh my god, what's happening?" Cassie looked around, a worried frown etched on her face. Everyone's chatter echoed in the room.

"All right, everyone get up from your seats and step out of the building! Go! Be careful not to bump on one another!" The professor speaks up as we all did what she told. Cassie held on my arm as we walked along the crowd to exit the building we were in, luckily we were located at the ground floor so we got out first.

There were medics around the area, and soldiers too. The soldiers stepped in the building with k-9 units.

"Bomb threat? Really?" I hear a girl behind me say.

"Yeah, well, that's what they were saying" Another girl spoke up.

"Oh my God!" Cassie exclaimed, "Sapph, let's leave!"

"Yeah," I could feel my heart thumping from my chest, I couldn't tell if it was from adrenaline, or fear.

Ha! Probably both. "Let's go."

"Who would even do this? And HOW did this happen here? I thought the security at this University was tight!" Cassie was rambling as we walked away.

"I could ask you the same thing" I replied, still trying to process what was happening. I was starting to feel dizzy.

Everything that happened back at Edonia began to flash in my mind; the bomb, the gunfire...

Crap... I can't breathe.

"Sapph? Sapphire, are you okay? Oh, shit!" My legs began to feel like jelly. Cassie was saying something, but I couldn't understand it. It sounded muffled and weak.

I heard a screeching sound, and then loud footsteps followed. I felt myself being harshly pulled before my face was covered by a cloth.

I tried to struggle but it was no use, whoever was holding me was strong and the cloth smelled horrible, it was making me dizzier than I already am.

Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now