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Jake was sitting quietly in the room he was in, staring blankly at the giant glass tube where Piers once was in. They had taken him a couple of days ago and as much as he doesn't want to admit, he was worried for the soldier. After all, despite their differences, Jake knew deep down that Piers was a good guy. Men in white coats were passing by the room he was locked in, a few sparing him glances. Good thing for Jake, his eyes had adapted the bright lights. He no longer had to deal with Wesker using it to discipline him like a kid.

Suddenly, the lights outside turned red, and everyone began to panic. A scientist was about to run past Jake's room when he fell on the ground after being shot. Jake got up from his seat, adrenaline rushing through him because of the scene happening right in front of him.

A lady stood in front of his room, wearing a bright red top and black jeans. She was a familiar face... and slowly, she remembers who she was. She draws her gun aiming it at the glass. Jake realizes what she's about to do and runs at the left side of the room, where his door was. The bullets went through the glass and it shatters on the ground, making loud cracking noises as each piece landed on the floor. The firing stops and Jake could hear her stepping inside the room.

Jake was confused, what was she here for? To kill him? To save him? Why is she here?

"Huh, long time no see Wesker junior" She smirks at him before walking out of the room and breaking the glass from the other room.


Jake runs out of the room, carefully avoiding shards of glass as he did so. The lady ripped away the needles attached to Sherry and turns to Jake, "Carry her, I'll cover" She says. "Hurry. We don't have much time." Jake rushes to Sherry and carefully carries her in his arms.

The two ran outside the room, "This way!" Ada runs to the door on their right and Jake followed. A few guards went in their way but the lady in red took care of them, very easily, Jake might add. With how she moved, she looked like she was in this job for years now.

"Who are you?" Jake asks, a frown on his face while he looked at the back of her head. She didn't turn to him as she replied,

"Can we do the introductions later? I don't think this is an appropriate time." Was her reply before shooting the guard who was running towards them. She opened a door and told Jake to move, and he did so.

Stairs. A flight of stairs. Jake internally groaned. The lady went downstairs and Jake followed right on her tail. Sherry was groaning, her eyes fluttering lightly. Jake could hear footsteps behind them, and guns firing. Luckily, they were missing the three.

"Almost there," The lady pulls out a flash grenade, takes the pin out and throws it behind them. They burst through a door the lady looks around for a second. She spots something and runs towards it, and Jake follows her again. His arms were getting tired, he thought of throwing Sherry over his shoulder but she wasn't looking to good. She was pale, and it made Jake worry. They ended up at a dock, a speedboat sitting at the very end of it. They hopped in the boat and Jake sets Sherry down.

The boat starts and the lady speeds of, making Jake hold onto the boat so he wouldn't fall over. He looks at the lady driving and she pulls out something from her pocket and presses it. The building they were once in explodes. Jake lets out a breath of relief and sits down next to Sherry, pulling her close to him so she had something to lean on. The breeze was cold, and Jake could tell Sherry was bothered by it.

Her eyes open lightly and stares at Jake.

"Hey," Jake began. "You okay?"

"...Where are we? Why is it so cold... and loud?" She croaks out.

"We're out of that shitty prison cell" Jake says, "All thanks to her" Jake points in front by his head and Sherry's eyes followed.

"You were at Koocheng."

"Yes, I was." The lady replied, not looking back at them.

"Why'd you do this?" Jake asks. "And who are you?" His voice was hostile. He didn't trust the lady...

"Don't be rude" Sherry lightly hits Jake's thigh with her hand. "She saved us. Thank you..."

"Ada." The lady speaks up, "You're welcome. The two of you."

"Where are we going?" Jake asks.

"Somewhere the two of you can freshen up. Can't take you back home if you're like that now, can we?" Jake was wearing a white shirt and white pants while Sherry was only wearing a thin hospital gown. Ada didn't set Jake off, but he knew better than to trust her just like that. But for now he doesn't have much of a choice. They need her to survive.


This book is going to need a lot of editing once I finish all the chapters. I feel like some of it don't make sense.

Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now