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minor changes(June 20, 2020)


Chris was back with Leon six days later. And now, he was talking to Jill at the backyard while Leon talked to Sherry in the living room. It was about four or five in the morning when they got here. Now, it's about noon? I think I'm not sure. It's so cloudy today it's hard to tell what time it is. Jake is here with me in the kitchen, brooding for some reason. I was stirring the broth so the meat in it wouldn't burn while Jake... Jake was basically using the vegetable and utensils he has for stress relief. I looked behind him and said,

"Jake, stop torturing the damn carrot!" He was just slamming his knife down the chopping board. "What is your problem?"

"Nothing," Jake grunts out, this time cutting the vegetable slower.

"Mhm, sure, whatever you say big guy." I roll my eyes, "What is it?"

"Nothing. Nothing," I heard laughter coming from the living room and I heard Jake huff.

"Oh, I see." I stifled a laugh as I focused again on the soup. "Oh Jake, never pegged you to be the jealous type."

"I'm not jealous!"

"Sure." I stopped stirring the soup and set the ladle down and turned to face him.

"Leon's basically her unofficial-official guardian. You have nothing to worry about. Now hurry up with those vegetables because the soup is almost done." I opened a cupboard to take out a couple of spices when I heard glass breaking from upstairs, followed by a loud explosion. The ceiling cracked, specs of dirt and rocks hitting me over the head.

Jake and I both ran outside, not risking the chances of being crushed under all that dirt.

"What happened?" I asked, confused about what was happening. Where did the bomb come from? How...? A strong gush of wind came from above us, I looked up and saw a fighter plane hovering above us.

"Shit," I hear Jake mumble as he pulled me behind him, his eyes on the fighter place above us.

"I don't know... move to the chopper! Go! The four of us run to the front yard and at the same time, the fighter plane above us fired a missile to the B.S.A.A. chopper making the vehicle explode. Leon and Sherry ran to us, a look of worry was on their faces.

"The forest! We can find cover there!" Sherry suggests and before I could say anything Jake was already pulling me along as he ran with the rest.

The forest was the last place I ever wanted to go into, I was afraid I would see them here just laying on the ground... and I don't think I'm ready for that—I don't think I ever will. I could hear helicopters hovering above us as we ran.

My legs were getting sore, but I knew that now isn't the time for me to complain. We needed to lose them, whoever was following us. We've gotten deeper in the forest, you could barely see the sun under the tall trees. I had no idea how long we were running, and when we stopped to catch our breaths I had to lean on a tree.

The place looked so familiar, and when I looked around I saw something I never wanted to see a couple of meters from us.

It was her... or at least what remained of it. The white shirt and pajamas she wore were stained and faded out. I felt a sharp pain in my chest at the sight of her, she looked like how I last saw her.

"Saph? What is it?" Jake asked me. I looked back at him. "Why? What's wrong?" He pulls out a handkerchief in his and wipes my cheek. I opened my mouth to say something but nothing came out... I didn't know what to say... I turned away from him and began to walk to her.

Nurse Jenny. She would've been alive if...

"Sapphire! Where are you going?" I was sobbing as I got closer to her, the feeling of guilt and pain getting worse. I felt a hand grip my arm and pull me, making me stop.

"What is it? C'mon talk to me!" Jake pleads, his eyes filled with worry.

"I want to bury her," I say before turning my head to where the body was.

"...Why?" His tone was calm, but he sounded confused.

"They didn't even bury her!" I sobbed. "She saved me and that ended up with her being dead." I turn my attention back to Jake. "It's the least I can do."

"Are you even sure it's her?"

"I know it's her... this is where they took me and killed her." I wiped my cheeks with one hand as I gently pried Jake's hand off me. I walked closer to her and got down on my knee when I got to her.

"I'm so sorry," I whispered. I heard footsteps heading my way but it was only Jake who approached me, going down on one knee so he was on my level.

"C'mon, I'll help you out, we have to be quick we still have to go."


| three chapters for you guys because y'all are just the best thank you for being so patient with me I hope you all enjoy it! |


Sapphire: Chapter 2Where stories live. Discover now