Chapter 13 - The Hospital Chaos.

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Token number 203, called the doctor.

The gang entered the room and told everything what happened to Sam.

The Doctor (Duncan), thought for a minute and replied, "The Hotel behind Topher's house?"

Yes, said Samantha in a confused way. "But how do you know Topher?"

Well, he came here a couple of days back with a patient named Heather, his sister I suppose and she also was possessed by a ghost.

I told him to go to the church and do the process of 'Exorcism', and then if she is still not okay I told him to come back to me.

So did he come back?, asked Daphne eagerly.

I'm afraid not, replied Duncan with a frown.

Wait, I got an idea, said Tim smartly, let's trace the steps from the hospital to the church and if we find anything unusual we will come to know where they are.

Daphne replied, It's worth a try.

Great! In the meanwhile, I'll try to figure out the problem with Sam, yeah?, asked Duncan eagerly.

Sure, replied Tim, now let's move, quickly.

Off they went in Duncan's Car to trace the path from mirror,spital to the church along with Michael, while Duncan tried to figure out what's wrong with Sam.

About half an hour later the lights of the hospital turned off and there was a loud roar, all the patients, nurses, doctors started panicking and some of them just fled out of the hospital.

Duncan was unaware of what was happening, as the lights in his room were on, and his room was right on the 4th floor.

Another 30 minutes later, everyone, except Duncan had fled from the hospital.

Duncan had finished his experiment with Sam and went out of the room to call the doctor.

As soon as he walked out, he noticed that there was nobody outside.

He took the lfit and went to the ground floor. Went the lift door opened, all the lights were off.

Yikes!, he shouted. He quickly pressed the close button and went to the fourth floor. As soon as he reached the fourth floor he heard footsteps coming from the staircase.

I-Is tthhat you nurse?, he stammered.

No Reply.

Nurse? Reply!, he said softly.

Still, NO REPLY.

He quickly went to his room and saw Heather going to stab Sam.


The gang along with Michael were driving for quite a long time. They then went left and noticed that they just passed the Forest Maze.

Quick, stop the car, said Ryan. Steer back Tim!

They took a reverse and went little front and in front of them stood the Haunted Hotel.

Does this mean they are in the haunted Hotel?, said Samantha softly.

I'm afraid so, said Daphne.

Tim replied angrily, Then we should go investigate.

No, said Michael. We have to back to the Haunted Hotel, fully prepared with a big plan and lots of weapons.

I think Michael Is right, we should go back to the Hospital and inform Duncan about it, said Daphne.

Alright then, let's get moving, we have no time to loose, said Samantha.

They had no time to waste, they rushed back to the Hospital and they reached in twenty minutes.

They rushed in and noticed that all the lights are off.

What's wrong? Why are all the light off, said Michael confused.

Ryan replied with a confused face saying, " I think the Hospital closes at this time and since that doctor didn't have our number, he might have taken Sam home?"

But the sign here says 24 hours open, said Daphne, pointing towards the notice board.

You know what? Let's just go to his room and see if he's there. Maybe it must have been some Hospital Chaos or something., said Samantha.

They went towards the lift and entered inside and the lift closed.

Ryan looked back and saw thee white mask hanging on the mirror of the lift.

Guys, the hospital's not closed, some ghosts have attacked the hospital!

Oh no!, said Daphne, Now what?

Will The gang reach the fourth floor safely? Will Ducan save Sam from being Stabbed By Heather, to find Out, read the next chapter.

Chapter 14: BLUE MOON

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