Chapter 8 : The White Mask

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Topher soon recovered and saw some figure standing in front of him.

Topher: Y-yyou.

Heather: YES, yes it's me.

Heather was all pale and even her hair had turned green, her eyes red, with flames burning inside.

She removed a knife from her pocket and was about to stab Topher, but he was very flexible, he somersaulted and dodged the stab.

Heather got even more angry, and started to run after Topher.

Topher quickly ran in the haunted hotel, and shut the door, leaving Heather outside.

Heather smiled, You think I won't be able to enter? You'll see.

Meanwhile in the Basement:

The gang ran behind the car and saw a man sitting down.

This man was old and looked very wise, his hair was white, and he was wearing shabby clothes, His name was Michael.

Samantha: You! I have seen you before!

Michael: Nope, I have been in this basement for 20 years.

Tim: 20 years? Survig Here? In this place?

Daphne: OMG. Totally Impossible.

Ryan: Yeah!

Sam: So can you tell us the whole story about this haunted hotel.

Michael: Sure

(45 years ago, there was a guy, named Mark Louis, he was a very good thinker and imaginer. He dreamt of making the best Hotel  in this place. During that time, there was no Forest. He had bought this along and Created this Hotel, named 'Hotel Grand 45')

Daphne Interrupted: We saw a car that entered da basement, and parked at parking no. 45.

Michael: Oh well, back to da story

All: Sure

(So, this place was very famous at that time and this hotel was running very successfully. The Owner, Mark Louis had a white mask which he loved really much. He always used to keep it with him. One day, that white mask was missing. He got very angry and didn't care about how his hotel was running, busy with searching for his White Mask, the hotel's grade went low and very few people coming to stay here. He had gotten even more crazy. 1 year later, he had became poor and  was staying in a small house. A lady came to visit him. Her name was 'Annabelle'. She looked scary and her eyed were pale green. She knocked on the door, hardly. The door opened with a creaky noise, and Mark Louis came out.
Who are you?, said Mark Louis shockingly.
Are you Mark Louis?, she said.
Yes I am, said  Mr. Louis.
She handed him the white mask.
I believe this is yours!, she said  proudly.
He grabbed it from her and angrily shouted at her!
How dare you take this from my hotel? You idiot!, shameless, I'll  take you to jail for this.
The lady was shocked  at what he said.
Annabelle did not say a word.
She just turned and went out
Of the house.
Mark Louis shouted back, hey where do you think your going?.
He ran outside but she had dissapeared.)

Daphne: Where did she go?
Tim: Yeah, was she a ghost or something?
Ryan: Don't be negative!.

Meanwhile Topher was finally inside the haunted hotel. He walked towards the lobby and noticed that someone was sitting on the chair, but the face was not clear.

It was really dark and nothing was seen clearly.

He slowly walked towards the chair.

It was a girl looking at the floor.

Topher: Who are y-you?

The girl slowly looked up and all of a sudden grabbed his neck and said, I AM ANNABELLE!!

Michael  continues telling them the story of Mark Louis and Annabelle, meanwhile  Topher has to encounter Annabelle.

To find out read the Next Chapter:



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