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The Loud Noise Of The Crash, caused many people to Notice the accident and gathered around the scene of the Accident.

"Somebody call the Ambulance! QUICK! These people need help." said a Young Lady who was standing near the car.

One of the Guys standing there was quick enough to call the Ambulance. The Ambulance arrived and quickly took the 4 of them to the Nearest Hospital Possible.

The Nurses took all of them to the Operation theatre, when suddenly Michael regained his conscious. He was blinking, but it seemed like his head was aching badly.

The Nurse spoke to the Other Nurse about putting Michael in some separate room as he had regained Conscious. A couple of minutes of chatting, they decided to shift Michael to the other room with a Nurse next to him, to see that he is all right.

Two Hours passed, when Michael regained conscious, and then suddenly he spoke up. "N..Nurse! Gimme Y..Yo...Your P..Pho...Phone!" he Said Stammering and Vibrating.

The Nurse quickly removed her phone from her pocket and gave the phone to Michael. He took the phone and called Daphne's Number.

Sam, Samantha, Daphne and Heather were in Topher and Lauren's house sitting and talking about what they should do next.

A second Later, Daphne's phone started Vibrating.

"Daphne! Your Phone's ringing!" said Heather, who was eating a Hot Dog.

Daphne picked up her phone and pressed the green phone button.

"Hello" she Said "Who's Speaking?"

"D...Daphne! C..Come to th...the Canadian H..hos..Hospital." Said Michael. "W...we Me..Met With An Acc....Accident. Come As F..Fast As possible"

Daphne's phone sliped from her hand and fell down.

"What Happened Daphne? Is Everything Okay?" Said Samantha, who was a bit worried.

"T..They Met with an Accident!" said Daphne.

"WHAT?" said Sam and Samantha, they were extremely freaked out.

They Quickly called the Taxi and headed off to the Hospital.

They Reached in About Half an Hour, and quickyl rushed Upstairs to the Reception Desk. They questionned the reception about the Ryan, Tim, Courtney & Michael ande decided to go see Ryan, Tim & Courtney first.

"Doctor! How's the Three of Them?" said Samantha (breathing Heavily)

The Doctor replied, " Tim and Ryan are almost going to gain Conscious, but I'm afraid about Courtney."

"Oh My God! Thank God those two our okay, but Poor Courtney!" said Daphne sobbing.

"Let's go check on Michael!" said Samantha They all nodded their heads from Up to Down and walk towards Michael's room."

"Michael! How were you the only one to regain conscious so fast?" asked Samantha.

"I..I was sitting in the Last Seat. Also, when they car was about to crash the tree, I was th..the first one notice b..but when shouted TURN!...It was Late! We had already Crashed! I..I fell down out of the Car, because my door wa..was open and I Landed On Some Leaves, so luckily enough, I regained Conscious faster. Oh..And How's the Others?" Michael said Shivering as he had high fever.

"The Doctor said Tim and Ryan will soon regain Conscious but He's not sure About Courtney!" said Daphne!

"Oh No!" said Michael who was Shocked. "And Who's this girl you have brought with You!" she said, Pointing towards Heather.

"She's Lauren's friend!" said Sam. "Oh..and speaking of Lauren..I Hope she is doing Okay in USA"

"In the USA?" said Michael shocked. "B..but she is -"

"In Canada? No. She went to USA as she was eally Busy. You weren't there when she left." said Samantha winking towards Michael signalling that Sam doesn't know that Lauren is no More.

They stayed there for another couple of Days, When Ryan and Tim regained their conscious and was brought back to their normal room.

"Oh Guys! I am so glad you're okay! Coulldn't you drive Safer?" said Samantha and Daphne.

"Oh! Sorry About that! We were so Into catching Duncan that we didnt realize that we would crash a tree." said Ryan.

They all Haad a group hug including Sam and were talking about what should they do next and where would they find Duncan.

Suddenly the Doctor stepped inside the room and said "Courtney has either Two Options, survive with memory loss or keep her in Coma!"

The gang though about it while Sam spoke up.

"We don't even know her really well, and she will be a burden on us if she has a memory loss. We have to find Duncan and I don't think we are gonna find him if Courtney's gonna have memory Loss."

"Yeah, Sam's right! I think we should keep her in coma. And if she gets up, atleast she'll be all fine." said Daphne.

"Yes Doctor! I Think we should keep her in a Coma." Said Samantha.

"Okay" said the Doctor. "And I think it is advisable for you to stay here for one more day, as Ryan and Tim are not fit enough yet."

So they agreed to stay for another day and would leave early next morning.

That very night, they All Decided to all Sleep in One room.


Hearing the Noise, All Of Them Got Up.

COURTNEY'S EYES WERE RED, HAIR WHITE. She looked really Fierce. "Boston Street! Boston Street! I'll be there to HELP YOU!" she Said in a Ghostly Voice,

There was a strike of lightning and suddenly the spirit came out of Courtney and went away.

Courtney fell back on the Floor and her eyes opened.

"Courtney? You're Alive?" said Daphne.

"w..well I G..guess I.. am" she Said.

They all hugged each other and were having a bit re union, talking about random stuff, gossiping etc.

"wait wait wait!" Said Samantha "Remember what Courtney said When she was possessed?"

" I was Possessed?" said Courtney shocked

(They then told her what happened before she regained her conscious)

"Oh, So maybe Duncan's in Boston Street?" Said Courtney.

"Yes and that the exact clue we needed" said Samantha (who high-fived Daphne, Tim, Ryan and Sam)

"Listen Guys, I'm sorry I didn't believ you, escpecially you, Samantha. I was wrong!" Said Courtney.

"Aww, It's Okay. It's my fault too. I didn't know that Duncan was possessed. I thought he was the one behind all this." said Samantha.

They shook hands and hugged.

"Now Let's find Duncan and Find Out Who is Behind All Of This.

(Will The Gang find Duncan? Who Possessed Courtney? Who is Helping Them? Who is Behind All This Curse? Will they reach Boston Street Safely?)


[sorry for uploding late, I have my exams going on, and I had very less time to update. I know this Chapter is Short, but I'll make sure the next Chapter is Long. I'll try to update my next Chapter Soon. Please Support Me by Liking this chapter, and Please read this Whole Story if you are Interested. This story is soon gonna come to an end. Just FIVE MORE CHAPTERS LEFT. So stay prepared because the BIGGEST TWISTS ARE YET TO COME! ;) ]

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