Chapter 7 - Zombie Apocalypse

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Hearing Ryan and Daphne scream, the rest of the gang rushed towards the sound.

They soon reach that are and saw that Daphne and Ryan were surrounded by zombies.

Tim: We gotta do something, If the zombies touch us, we'll be one of them

Lauren: Yeah, You're right. so now what?

Sam: Quick, remove the torchlights

Tim: Great Idea.

Guys quick, yelled Daphne.

Dey were surrounded by da zombies.

They all removed their torchlights and the zombies started burning and all the zombies dissapeared.

Phew, thank god!, Said Ryan.

So we reunite again huh!?, said Samantha.

Daphne: Samantha! U guys found her?

Ryan: What happened to her hair?

They told Ryan and Daphne the whole story of Samantha

Daphne: Ohh.

Lauren: Guys, we gotta keep moving, those Zombie Guys are still on the loose.

Ryan: Yeah, let's go.

Tim: This Basement is huge, I don't even know the place from were we entered.

They all turned back and were like, Where's the damn entrance??

Sam: Oh Crap! Now how do we get away?

Suddenly they heard zombie voices.

Tim: Quick, out with the torchlights!

The zombies were coming towards them.

They all removed their torchlights, but they realized the torch battery is getting low.

Daphne: Oh No! NOW WHAT?

The zombies were getting really close to them.

Tim: One Option, RUN!!!

They all started running and the zombie followed.

Samantha threw da torch on a petrol box and a for lit up behind them. A few zombies got burnt and dissapeared.

The rest followed them.

Samantha: Quick, they're gaining up on us.

Tim: Look, I see a small garage kinda house thingy there.

Ryan: Then Let's go there.

Daphne: Alright.

Sam: Quick.

Suddenly a zombie pulls Lauren and grabs her.

Lauren: Ouch! Leave Me!

Daphne: Lauren!

Sam went to hit the zombie but it dissapeared with Lauren.

Sam: LAUREN!!!!

Samantha: Chill, we'll find her later.

Daphne: The Other Zombies are catching up on us, quick, to that house.

All of them rushed towards the house, but it was locked.

Samantha: Oh Crap! What Now?

Ryan: Move aside, I'll break open the door.

Tim: I'll help you.

Sam: Me Too!

They all somehow, bang open the door and enter.

There was a lot of stuff inside. There were mechanical stuff and some guns.

Daphne: Why would someone keep guns here.

Samantha: Let's find d out about that later! Look! The zombies are coming towards us.

Ryan: Quick, load the guns.

Sam: Gosh! I hope there are bullets.

Tim: Yep there are a lot.

Daphne: They look new, someone has recently bought them, but who?

Samantha: Hmm.

The Boys started shooting all the zombies coming towards the garage while Daphne and Samantha checked the garage for clues.

Daphne: Look! This newspaper was published five days back.

Samantha: Someone has been here.

Daphne: And we have to find that someone.

Samantha: Yeah!

Meanwhile, the Boys finished off the zombies, and they couldn't see anymore.

Ryan: Well, looks like we're clear.

Tim: For Now!

Sam: Whatever! We still have to find Lauren.

Tim: We will find her soon.

Sam: I hope so. :c

Daphne and Samantha showed the newspaper to the boys.

Ryan: Ooh, nice search I g guys.

Daphne: Hmmph! Well we now know that there is someone who we don't know lurking somewhere in the basement.

Samantha: Exactly.

Ryan: Let's go out and see if we could find someone.

Samantha: And we are not splitting up again

Tim: Sure.

The gang went out of the garage and were looking around for anything suspicious.

Ryan: I saw someone behind that car! Quick, let's go see!

Daphne: Yeah I can see it too!

They all rushed towards the car.

Samantha: OMG.

Outside the Haunted Hotel:

Topher was unconscious lying flat on the ground. His head was bleeding.

Soon, he slowly got up.

He could see some figure standing in front of him.

Topher: Y-yy- You!

Unknown: Yes its me.

Next chapter: The White Mask.

(5th October)

Preview of Next Chapter:

The gang were rushing behind someone hiding behind a car? Who is dat someone? They all later find a man who has been living in this hotel since 20 years and knows everything about. Will he spill the beans about the white mask's curse? Who was standing in front of Topher? Where is Heather? Where did Laure. Dissapear with the zombies?

To find Out all the answers, read the next chapter, Tue White Mask.

(5th October)


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