Chapter 2 - Canada

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All of Them Get shocked when Samantha tells them about the haunted house.

Samantha : It seems that three days back a girl named 'Courtney' and a Boy named 'Duncan' went inside the haunted hotel, to Investigate around, but they never came out. No one knows if they are dead or alive, and after that, no one has ever dared to go there.

Daphne : Woah! That's freaky.

Ryan : Yeah, where is this Haunted Hotel.

Samantha : Oh, It says Its located in Montreal, Canada.

Tim : Oh Shit. Our parents live there.

Sam : Oh yeah. Think we should travel there and go investigate?

Daphne : I'm okay with it.

Ryan : But no one has ever dared to go there since those two people, never came out.

Daphne : Oh come on Ryan, don't act like a baby.

(Ryan Started Blushing)

Ryan : Okay, I'm ready to go.

Samantha : All in Favour?

Everyone Agrees.

Samantha takes her Laptop, (she has a windows 8, Lenovo Flex Laptop) and goes to the Airline Booking Website and books the early flight tommorow morning at 7:30 am.

She booked the Emirates A380 Flight.

Later that evening

Sam and Tim were playing Badminton in the Garden.

Daphne and Samantha were busy packing their stuff and meanwhile, Ryan was busy chatting on his phone.

Soon it was 10:30 pm, and all had finished their packing.

Daphne: Okay, I think we should sleep now, we have to get up early.

Ryan : Yeah, sure.

Samantha : Okay, Good Night.

Sam: Good Night!! :D

Everyone then goes to sleep.

When it was 3:30am , early morning Samantha wakes up everyone and they all freshen up. Have their Breakfast, and leave to the airport. All of them were their best outfits.

Soon, it was time for the flight to take off. Daphne, Ryan and Tim Sat together and

Sam, Samantha and Lauren.


Why did Lauren come with dem?

Lauren really loved solving mysteries and she was really bored in America these days.

So sam told her to come with dem to Canada as they were solving the Mystery of The haunted Hotel.

So she agreed to go wid dem, and last night, she slept in Ryan's room. And Ryan took the advantage by sleeping in the Daphne's room. ;)

Okay, Now back to the Present. :D

So, It was a two and half hours flight to Canada.

And Sam and Samantha were sleeping, Lauren was listening to her music.

Daphne and Ryan were watching a movie on their flight TV. Tim was on his laptop.

Soon the flight had landed in Canada. It was Summer.

Although the temperature was 20 degrees.

It was 9:45 am (Canada Time).

And all of them passed through the immigration, took their luggage and left the airport.

They had booked a taxi to take them to their moms house.

Soon they reached their moms house.

And all their moms were shocked to see them.

All of them greeted each other and Lauren was introduced to the Big Joint Family.

But they had only six rooms and only one of them was vacant. So they had to book a hotel for then to stay in.

Tim Checked his laptop and was about to Book a five star hotel when Lauren realized she had a cousin staying in Montreal, Canada and had a big villa, so she told them why don't we all stay there?

All of them agreed and gave their parents hugs and kisses and left to Lauren's Relatives house.

Soon they arrived and Lauren introduced everyone to each other.

Two of her relatives lived there. Their names were Topher and his sister Heather.

There were three rooms vacant so two had to sleep in each.

Ryan shared a room with Daphne.

Tim and Samantha shared a room together.

And Sam and Lauren slept together.

Soon it was night, and Samantha had gone to the bathroom to wash her face.

There was a mirror in front of her and a basin below.

She bended down to wash her face and when she looked up at the mirror she saw a ghost with a bloody knife in his hand and almost pulled it to her and she screamed all of them, hearing the scream rush towards the bathroom door, but its locked from inside.

Next Chapter : The Forest's Maze

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