Chapter 22 - The Psycho Killer's Revealed

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Hearing Samantha's scream, Daphne, Courtney, Tim and Ryan Rush Towards Sam's room, they notice Lauren dead and Samantha weeping.

"Oh No! Lauren Died! She is not breathing, There is blood scattered everywhere!," Samantha Cried.

"What if Something Happened to Sam?" replied Ryan weeping.

All of them were in a shock. It was Christmas Eve and this was their present.

"Call Duncan!" Screamed Daphne. "He has to examine Sam,

Courtney and Tim ran towards Duncan's room.

"Duncan open the door, Quick! Sam's in danger."

Duncan was fast asleep.

Tim banged the door.

Duncan got up worried! He slowly went towards the door.

He walked towards the door, and unlocked it.

"What happened?" Said Duncan.

They told him that they found Lauren. Dead and blood all over them room, but they didn't know who did it.

"Oh My God! Lemme Check what happened to Lauren.

All the three rushed downstairs to Sam's room and went inside.

"Let me examine Lauren" said Duncan

He gasped and said, "She is No More!"

"Oh No, How Did All Of This Happen?" Wept Daphne.

Samantha stood there thinking. She had stopped crying. She was deep in her thoughts.

A couple of hours later, all of them were tired and went to their rooms to sleep.

"How is all of this happening? Duncan, weren't you there when Lauren die" questiommed Samantha to Duncan.

Duncan was quick to reply, " we both had gone to sleep and the next time I woke up was now."

"Ooh" frowned Daphne, standing beside Samantha.

All of them went to their rooms and about 30 minutes later.

Samantha nudged Daphne.

"Get Up Daphne!" She whispered.

"What happened." Said Daphne , yawning.

"I can find out who murdered Lauren!" Said Samantha.

Daphne became wide awake and replied, "Wait, WHAY?"

Daphne was shocked.

"YES, yes I can!" Said Samantha.

"B-b-bbut How?" Stammered Daphne.

Samantha replied, " one day before we left for the theme park, I had a feeling that someone might try to attack Sam, as there are only 2 people in the house."

She continued, "So I decided to keep a Camera in Sam's room at night when you all were sleeping."

"WOAH, Then Let's go and check?" Said Daphne.

"Yes, we definitely should" replied Samantha.

"Then, Let's go!" She said.

Both of them quietly descended the stairs, tip toeing and walked towards Sam's room.

They slowly went inside Sam's room and on the shelf laid the Camera which Samantha had Installed.

"Aha! There it is!" She said.

She grabbed and while they were about to go back to their room, they looked Towards Lauren.

Lauren was staring at them.

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