Chapter 3 - The Forest Maze

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All of them get a shock hearing the scream, and rush towards the bathroom, but its locked from inside. Ryan bangs the door, but it doesn't open. All of them try banging the door but its not opening.

Then Heather takes a boppin from her room and tries to unlock the door but it still doesn't work.

Then somehow banging and banging the door, the door breaks open.

And when they enter inside, they notice that Samantha is missing and there is something written in the mirror in blood.

It said "You're Next"

All of them get a shock.

Topher : Oh My God! What Now?

Daphne : where is this Haunted Hotel?

Heather : Behind our house there is a forest. And somewhere in that forest lies the Haunted House .

Sam: Oh! Samantha must have gone there!

Tim : But from the bathroom to the haunted hotel? How is that possible ?

Ryan : Yeah ! How Can that Happen?

Lauren: Nobody Knows how that happened, but She definitely has to be in the haunted hotel .

Daphne : Yeah! Lauren is right. We should leave right now!

Sam : Now? B-but Its 10:30 pm

Daphne : Yeah, so?

Sam: It's night time!

Daphne: we can't wait till morning !

Ryan: Lets leave.

So The five of them ( Ryan, Tim, Sam, Lauren and Daphne) left the hluse and wemt to the forest. Meanwhile Heather and Topher sat in the house and started watchimg tv.

It was very dark and the five could barely see clearly, so they removed their torches from their handbag.

There's some light coming over from there, Said Daphne.

Ryan : Yeah, think we should go there?

But I can see somethung red over there, said Lauren.

Sam: Think we should split up?

Lauren: Yeah. Sure.

So Sam and Lauren went together towards the red light and Tim, Ryan and Daphne wemt towards slme other light coming.


In Lauren's relatives house, Topher and Heather were busy watchimf tv and it was 11:59 pm when suddenly the tv went off.

They were a little freaked out, but camly Heather told Topher to go check the cable wires.

But the cable wire was fixed properly.

But then why was the tv not working?

Suddenly the tv glass broke and Heather got so freaked out, and screamed so loudly, that Topher checking the cable wire under the table, banged his head on the table.

Ouch! What happened Heather? , said Topher angrily.

T-thhe T-tv glass broke! said Heather, Stammering.

Topher : What? How did that happen?

Heather : How am I supposed to know?

Topher : Great, just great! We should have gone with Lauren and the others to the haunted hotel.


Meanwhile Ryan, Daphne and Tim, were following the light they so when suddenly the light they could see, dissapeared.

What? The light dissapeared! ! , yelled Daphne.

Ryan: what now?

Tim : I think we should Just follow these footprints?

Footprints? Where? , said Daphne

Over There, said Tim, pointing his torchlight towards footprint marks.

Bingo! said Ryan, Lets get going.

On the other hand, Sam and Lauren were following the red light, and where reaching closer and closer to it, when suddenly somethimg poked Sam.

Sam : Ouch! Something poked me.

He turned back and he saw a nothing, just trees.

Come on sam, we have to keep going, said Lauren.

Soon following the red light Sam and Lauren reach the haunted hotel.

It was very very , massive, and the ted light was coming from a gem stuck on the wooden door.

Meanwhile, following the footprints, even Tim, Ryan and Daphne reached the hauntel hotel from the back side.

Daphne: Woah! This hotel is really big

Ryan: Yes Indeed

Tim: I guess this used to be a 5 star hotel .

Daphne: Yeah Right!

Ryan: Okay guys, lets got the main door

The walked towards the hotel's main door where they saw Lauren and Sam.

Sam: Hey Guys! Im glad we found each other!

Ryan : Yeah, lets enter?

All: Sure!

Meanwhile, in Topher's house,

Heather and Topher were still figuring out how the tv broke into pieces?

Then Heather said, what if the ghost of the haunted hotel is behind all this?

What rubbish!, said Topher angrily.

Suddenly the lights went off, and there was a evil laugh coming from upstairs...

Aaaaaaah! Screamed Heather, (freaked out of her soul)

Next Chapter : The Haunted Hotel

- Now Available

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