Good Evening.

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"What is it, Alice?"
"Nothing, it's just- I've never seen so many different plants in one place before,"

The small greenhouse was lined top to bottom with plants. Plants on shelves, plants on tables, there was even a fake pond where a few lily pads floated around.

Alice looked around, awestruck. "Maybe Crazy Dave is the best gardener in Neighborville,"

Pudding led them over to a small corner with a blanket on the floor and a few misshapen pillows. There were four plants in the corner; two marigolds, one pink and one red, a half eaten wallnut, and a discolored sunflower napping on the floor. A water bottle lay on its side next to the purple sunflower. Looking closer, Alice noticed there was a tiny lily pad inside of the bottle.

"These are the rest of the Crazy Plants!" said Pudding. Red dumped Flower and Jerald out of her top and quickly scooped up the two marigolds. "Those two are Merry and Mari. Red treats them like her daughters,"

"What happened to her?" asked Alice, pointing to the heavily damaged wallnut.

"Oh, it happened so long ago I can barely remember, so- no clue! Her name's Nug. It used to be Nugget, but there's only half of her left, so she's just Nug now,"

Nug rolled over on her side next to Flower and smiled.

"Oh yeah, and that's CJ," said Pudding, pointing to the purple sunflower. "We found him in the trash,"

CJ looked up and narrowed his eyes at her, but didn't do anything. He quickly went back to sleep.

"I thought we were supposed to see Crazy Dave," said Alice.

"Oh right, that was the entire point of you coming with us- other than carrying the snacks of course. Put those down for a second," Pudding took the bags from Alice and tossed them into the centre of the group. "I happen to have no idea where Dave is so.. HEY! DUMBASS LITTLE BITCH! GET UP! WHERE DID DAVE GO?"

CJ snapped awake again and glared at her.

"Well? Where did he go?" asked Pudding.

CJ sighed and stood up, hitting Pudding in the face as he walked past her.

"Did he just-"

"Oh, he's always mad when I wake him up. I'm pretty sure he just hates being awake,"

Pudding watched CJ walk to the door of the greenhouse and point to the manor's garage. "I should've known he'd be there. Hey, Sweetpea, are you gonna come with us or hang with the C-Plants?"

Sweetpea walked over to Flower and Nug and sat down. They seemed to be having a conversation in their plant language.

"Alright, you guys make him feel at home," Pudding nudged Alice in the ankle. "Let's go,"

Pudding walked Alice over to the garage. "The door's always unlocked, but can you lift it for me?" asked Pudding.

Alice complied, lifting the door from the bottom, letting sunlight into the garage. The garage was far larger on the inside than Alice had suspected, with an entire Class C Motorhome inside. Alice didn't know it was a Class C, but they knew something like it wouldn't fit in ordinary garages.

"Dave, are you restocking the RV again?" Pudding yelled. "You got a visitor!"

"Hold on, Puddin', jus' a second, I'm almost done!" shouted a voice from inside the motorhome. A few clangs could be heard from within, until smoke burst from the windows.

"Pudding, is he-"

"Oh, he just forgot to take his bacon out of the oven. That he tried to fix. Twice,"

The RV door opened, allowing more smoke to escape. A man stumbled out. He was coughing and waving away the smoke, trying to clear the air. "Sorry, Puddin'! I've gotta fix that old oven again. Doesn' work well. Now, who's the visitor?"

The smoke cleared and Alice could make out a figure. He was a tall, chubby man with a curly beard and a silver saucepan on his head. "Oh, you found a young un'?" the man asked.

"Yes, Dave. I found a kid," Pudding replied.

"Howdy, neighbor! My name's Crazy Dave, but you can call me Crazy Dave," he tipped his pot hat.

"..Hello, Crazy Dave, I'm Alice,"

"Well that's just dandy! Wabby wabbo!"

Pudding stepped forward. "Okay Dave, should I kick 'em out now?"

"Of course not! They're a guest- hey, kiddo, have you ever tried real Uno Taco tacos?"

"Huh? Uhm.. you mean that place near town square?"

"No, I mean the real Uno Taco. The first one. The one with the true uno taco,"


Crazy Dave visibly recoiled in shock. "You-you mean you've never had the god blessed real uno tacos from Uno Taco??"

Pudding sighed. "Oh god, he better not-"

"I've gotta take you! You haven't really lived until you try one!

Pudding groaned. "That's why we steal snacks," she whispered. "To try and desuade him from going out to that stupid taco place,"

"Come on, Puddin', go get the plants! We're going out for tacos!"


"We can't just leave Red and CJ an' all the other ones behind!"

Pudding sighed and walked out of the garage. She quickly returned with Red, who had all the Crazy Plants piled on top of her. Pudding rode on one of her legs, and Sweetpea could be seen on the top of the pile.

"Okay guys, get in the RV! We're heading to town!"

Red slid open the side door and hopped in. Pudding closed the door behind them. Alice hesitated before moving.

"You comin'?" asked Crazy Dave. He'd already climbed into the driver's side seat and was speaking through the rolled down window.

Alice opened the door and sat in the passenger side seat.

"Okay good! I was a lil' nervous you'd back out on me,"

"Well, Sweetpea's already in,"

"Sweetpea knows what's good,"

"Wait, what about all your other plants?"

"The greenhouse boys? Oh, I have an automatic water-er in there, and I've got a boom box so they can listen to some tunes. It'll only take a couple hours, so they'll be fine,"

Crazy Dave put the RV in ignition. "Hey, Puddin'! Is everyone good back there?"

"A-Okay, Dave!" Pudding shouted from the back.

"Alrighty then! Put your seatbelt on! Uno Taco number-o one-o, here we come!" Crazy Dave slammed his foot on the gas pedal, sending the RV shooting down the driveway and through the open gates.

"Whoo! I haven't driven this baby in- well, forever!"

"When did you drive it last?"

"Last Sunday,"

"..So last week?"

"No, yesterday!"

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