Back at it again at Krispy Kreme

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Alice looked around the street behind their house; it was deserted. As it had been since the invasion. They walked along the sidewalk, Sweetpea a bit ahead; ready to attack anything that moved.

"..Sweetpea, I think Markus got out of the house, but maybe we left before he got out,"

Sweetpea stopped and looked back at her.

"Who am I kidding, he's.. they're all gone,"

Sweetpea hugged Alice's ankle. The two stood still for a moment.


Alice spun around and saw a buckethead slowly stumbling towards them.

"Aiee! Sweetpea, Sweetpea! Get him!" Alice yelled. Sweetpea positioned himself in front of them and started shooting as well as he could. The zombie's bucket functioned as a helmet, barely dented by the peas.

Alice scooped up Sweetpea in their arms. "New plan! Run away!"

They booked it down the street looking back every couple moments to see if the zombie was still following them. It was slowly pursuing them. They spotted a gas station and ran inside. Alice slammed the door behind them, shutting the zombie out. It scratched at the glass a bit, but quickly gave up and stumbled away, leaving Alice standing in the gas station shop. They set Sweetpea down.

The gas station surprisingly still had electricity; though there seemed to be no employees working at the register. Alice and Sweetpea walked between the empty, raided shelves, looking for anything of use.

"-Guys, be careful. I think there's a zombie in here," said a voice from another lane over.

"Hello? I- I'm not a zombie! -Where are you?" asked Alice.

"Oh. Nevermind guys, I think we're good," said the voice again.

Alice walked to the end of the lane and into the next one over- and was met with quite a strange sight.

A white marigold with a bright turquoise face was stuffing stolen bags of chips into the hole of a large pumpkin.. With legs. And some quite fashionable red cowgirl boots. Inside of the pumpkin- aside from all the stolen merchandise- were two plants. A peashooter and what appeared to be a very short torchwood. Both were in pots.

"Oh! I didn't know you guys were plants," said Alice. The pumpkin looked over at them. Alice noticed that a line was carved in between her eyes; making them resemble glasses.

"We weren't expecting a human. I'm surprised there's anyone outside," said the marigold. "My name's Pudding,"

 "My name's Pudding,"

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"I'm Alice. Can.. all of you talk?"
"Nope, just me," Pudding replied. She continued stuffing food into the pumpkin's empty top. "This is Red, by the way,"

Red shook herself a bit; causing chip bags to fall out through her eye-holes.

"Oh, you're full? Well, let's head back then," said Pudding. She swung herself onto one of Red's legs as Red started walking towards the exit of the station.

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