I don't need no degree to be a clothing hanger

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"This place is actually pretty nice," said Peter. He set Thomas Edison down next to the rest of the Crazy Plants.

"Yes, it's.. oh." Minks expression changed the moment he saw Ragz and Quinn. "Who are they?"

"Oh, these are my other friends, Quinn and-"

"Is-is she a zombie??"

Quinn looked up at Mink. "..Hello, Mr. Hundin," she said.

"For one, it's Hündin, and-"

"..Mink, Peter, please don't worry about Quinn, she-she's got a hypno-shroom, so she'll be fine,"

Mink looked from Quinn to Alice. "Eh, good enough for me. Who's the dude?"

"Oh, that's Ragz,"

Mink turned to Ragz. "Okay.. Ragz. What's up with your haircut? It's.. very unique,"

Ragz quickly brought a hand to where his hair was long. "Oh, it's.. it's a personal thing,"

"What, is your eye ugly or something? I wouldn't doubt it,"

"..Yeah, yeah, just leave me alone, man,"

"Let me see it! I want to see it!"

"Leave me alone!"

Ragz slapped Mink's hand away, then rushed off into the other room.

"Well, he's a freak," said Mink bluntly. "I'm glad you've got a few better friends now, Alice,"


"Shush. You know I'm right," Mink gently set his garlic down on the counter next to him. "I don't believe I've told you my friend's name, now have I?"

"Uh, no. You didn't,"

"Well, his name is-" he cleared his throat. "-Mr. Elliot the Magnificent! Descendant of Sr. James the Magnificent,"

"Oh. That's a bit of a long name,"

"Well, you can just call him Mr. Elliot. That's fine." Mink adjusted Mr. Elliot's crown. "He must always look and sound his best,"

Red, seeing Mr. Elliot on the counter, stood up and walked over to it. She looked up at Mink and mumbled something.

"Well, excuse me, Miss Red, I don't want Mr. Elliot to be around those.. Freaks of plants you have. Shoo, shoo!"

Red seemed a little shocked. She walked back to the pile of Crazy Plants, set down Merry and Mari, and ran back at Mink to kick him in the knee.

"Jeez, jeez! Fine! You can have him! Just don't hurt him!" Mink groaned. He gently placed Mr. Elliot into Red, who scuttled back into the corner with the rest of the Crazy Plants.

"Sorry 'bout Red, Hundin, she's not a fan of people," said Crazy Dave.

"I got that," said Mink.

"Well, we're gonna start drivin' towards the Uno Taco, so sit down!"


Eventually, Ragz came back out to the main room. Peter waved to him as he sat down at the table next to Alice, across from Mink.

"Oh, so you're finally back, I see," said Mink. "You gonna stop being a baby?"

"I'm not letting you see my eye." Ragz folded his arms on the table. "I don't have to,"

"Who do you think you are, slug boy?"

"Slug boy? The hell's a slug? You're slug boy!"

"Are you that dumb? I didn't think much of you, but really!"

Quinn spoke up. "Hey, you should stop being mean to my friend Ragzz, it'z not nize,"

"Don't you have any idea who I am??"

Quinn looked over him. "No." she said with a smile.

"Mink. Mink Young, son of Mr. Arthur Young, CEO of Young-Ones hoodies!"

"Okay, Mr. Hundin,"

"Nevermind you, brain-dead, I'd like to talk to the- y'know, smart ones here,"

"Hey, that'z-"

"Shush. Now. Don't speak, I don't wanna get infected." Mink pulled his hoodie over his mouth. "Anyway, how old are all of us anyway? I just wanna know,"

"I'm fourteen," said Peter. "I'm.. guessing I'm the oldest one here,"

"You thought wrong, Lopez! I'm fifteen!"

"Oh. Well, okay then,"

"Guess that means I'm the most responsible one here." Mink messed with one of his earrings.

Alice shoved their hands in their pockets, only then remembering the packet of bacon. They took it out and placed it on the counter behind them.

"Hey, Alice, Where did you get stuff that from?" asked Ragz.

"Oh, that's why I was out earlier. Dave asked me to get some bacon,"

The RV screeched to a halt as they finished their final word. Crazy Dave got out of the driver's seat and looked Alice in the eyes. "You-you really got me bacon??" he asked.

"Yeah, it's right on the table,"

"Woohoo! Okay, kiddos! We're stopping! It's time for bacon!"


"I didn't know it was possible to cook bacon in a waffle iron," said Peter.

"Well, ya learn new things every day, Fog boy!"

	"Well, ya learn new things every day, Fog boy!"

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"Isn't this a little.. uncivilised?" asked Mink.

"There's no wrong way to make some good ole' bacon, Hundin." Crazy Dave opened the waffle iron, then closed it again. "Won't be done fer' another few minutes,"

"Bacon.. That's a cool name for a food," said Ragz. "I've never tried it,"

"You've never had bacon? Sticks, you must be one sad lil' fella,"

"Ragzz izn't sad, he'z juzt.. Never had bacon!" said Quinn. "Or he'z sad. I dunno. Juvo, d'you think Ragzz iz sad?"

Juvo didn't respond.

"Nope! Ragzz izn't sad!"

"Well, that's good I guess," said Ragz. "I don't think I'm sad,"

"Well, ya won't be sad anymore, Sticks!" Crazy Dave pulled the strips of bacon out of the waffle iron with a piece of paper towel and placed them on the table. "Ya might wanna wait a lil' bit though, kiddos, it's a lil' hot,"

"Wow, this stuff is super good! Where I grew up, we didn't have anything like this!" Ragz wolfed down his entire strip in mere moments.

"Well, It's good that you like it," said Alice.

"Sticks has finally been blessed with the ethereal power of.. Bacon,"

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