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"Jeez that's a lot of zombies," said Ragz.

He pointed at the groups of zombies crowding the floor below, almost completely filling it. There were two sets of stairs down on either side of a ramp for shopping carts.

"How the hell are we supposed to get through that??"

Quinn sat up in the cart, picking up Huffy with her. "Huffy can get them! He'z very really strong,"

"Look at all of them! It'd be impossible!"

"Everyone, get on the cart," said Peter.

"Why?" asked Ragz.

"Just do it! I have a really stupid plan!"

Ragz and Mink hopped on either side of the cart, while Alice climbed in alongside Quinn.


 Peter pushed the cart down the ramp as hard as he could, barely hopping on at the last moment before it went shooting down the ramp

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Peter pushed the cart down the ramp as hard as he could, barely hopping on at the last moment before it went shooting down the ramp. All five of their screams echoed through the mall as they plowed through groups of zombies at a time, knocking everything out of their path. As they reached level floor, Peter hopped off the back and desperately tried to stop it from rolling.


"I'M TRYING, RAGZ!" Peter stumbled along, clinging to the cart handle. He dug his heels into the floor, slowing the cart enough to stop mere feet away from the fountain. "Whew! We're good, guys!"

Everyone laughed a bit and whooped at their survival. Quinn gently took all the walking plants out of the cart and onto the floor. Alice sighed with relief and looked around. "Wait, where's-"

"WHEEE!" Leo shouted as he skated past them on Leo Jr's scooter. He flew face-first into the fountain, flinging all his plants in with him. "Haha, that was fun! Can I do it again?"

"Don't do it again. You got fountain water on me," said Mink. He shook the water off his soaked hoodie sleeves.

"Hey, we made it into the West wing! HEY, THAT'S HEIDI! HI HEIDI!!" Leo dragged himself and All his plants out of the fountain, running to meet with a woman who was already approaching to check out the noise. She had black hair, pale olive skin, and "I'M HEIDI" written on her purple sweater.

"Oh, Leo, there you are. Who's with- young master Mink! We-your parents thought you were deceased!" said Heidi.

Mink nodded. "Yeah. Of course they did. Mhm. Were you the two mum and dad decided to send to look for me?"

"..No, they didn't send anyone, Mink,"

"Excuse me? Heidi, you know I can't stand jokes at my expense,"

"She's tellin' the truth! They never sent nobody!" said Leo.

"Leo, you idiot, why should I trust you?"

"You should trust him because I'm the one who told him that your parents didn't send anyone," explained Heidi.


"Yep! They were gonna leave you out as zombie food! Glad I found you, though,"

Mink's mouth hung open in shock. "..How dare they. How- wait, why are you two here in the first place?"

"I got fired!" said Leo.

"I quit because he got fired," said Heidi.

"So.. you're both just doing nothing?"

"Yep! It's been pretty neat so far," Leo patted his chomper's head.

Mink looked behind him at the rest of the kids, then looked back to Leo and Heidi. "..Is there any chance I could join you two?"

"What do you mean, young master Mink?"

"I don't want to hang out with them anymore,"

"Well, we've always got room for you, Minky-dink!"

"Good. Good, thank god. Thank you, Heidi. Leo, never call me that again,"

"Request noted, Mink!"

"Wait, Mink-" asked Alice. "You're.. Really leaving?"

"Mhm. Better than being around Ragz all day,"

"..By the way, I'm.. sorry about your dad,"

"No matter. I know he'll miss me one day,"

Mink stood next to Heidi, watching Leo's attempts to scoop Leo Jr. out of the fountain with his bowl, the rest of his plants watching him.

"..Quinn, isn't that one of your mushrooms?" Mink asked her, pointing near one of Leo's plants.

"Aww, Happy iz friendz with the zunflowers!!"

Happy was dancing around Leo's twin sunflowers, with sun beaming off of all three of them.

"Hrrmm.. I don't wanna take Happy away from her new friendz,"

Quinn looked from Happy, to her other mushrooms, to Leo and Heidi.

"You guyz can keep her!"

"You're going to give up your own plant?" asked Heidi.

"She'z happy here! She likez your sunflowerz!"

Leo finally scooped up Leo Jr, securing his bowl back on his scooter. "You sure?"

"Pozzitively!" she walked over to Happy, gave her a small kiss on the top of the head, then handed her to Leo. "She'z all yourz!"

"Wow, this is neat!"

While this exchange was going on, Peter was talking to Heidi.

"..Heidi, do you have the time?"

Heidi pulled back her sleeve and looked at her watch. "It's 3:52,"

"Oh. Guys, we should start heading back!" Peter said to the group.

"Well, see you, everyone!" said Mink. "Goodbye, Alice! Goodbye, Peter! Good riddance, Ragz! Good riddance, Quinn! Goodbye, Peter~"

"You said goodbye to me twice," said Peter.

"Uh- Yeah, you're the cute one! I'll miss you, Lopez!" he blew Peter a kiss and ran off to catch up with Leo and Heidi. Once he was out of earshot, Ragz gagged.

"..Eww, Mink liked you that entire time? Man,"

"I'm straight anyway. I don't like boys,"

"Really? Boys are cute though,"

"You're gay?"

"Oh, there's a word for it? Yeah, I guess I am gay,"

"Huh. I never knew that,"

"Oh, there's a lot of things you don't know about me, Peter,"


"You kiddos sure Hundin didn' get kidnapped?" asked Crazy Dave.

"Yes, we're sure." said Alice. "He willingly left with Leo and Heidi,"

"You real' sure?"


"Oh. Can't argue with that!"

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