Roses are red Violets are blue, why did you leave me Karen what did I do,

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"There's no way the Juvie cops can get us now that we got our giant zombie bodyguard,"

"Bro, there's no way anything can hurt us. Or at least me, anyway,"

Blaster and Snake told jokes to each other all the way out of the hospital. Ragz and Peter met them at the exit.

"..People, are you aware of the.. giant zombie following you?" asked Peter as he handed Itty Bitty back to Quinn.

"That's just Laura," explained Alice. "Don't worry, she's friendly,"

"I dunno about Peter, but I think a giant zombie.. Well, I wouldn't want a girlfriend, but a giant zombie boyfriend would be really neat," said Ragz.

"You better think she's neat," said Snake. Him and Blaster chuckled to themselves. "Man, now that we have Laura.. why even stay in Neighborville?"

"Man, Drake's still at my old house,"

"Don't risk going back home, bro. You know how Abigail is,"

"Right," Blaster turned to Alice and Quinn. "Thanks for helping us in there, even if Quinn was- wait, Quinn, wasn't your hair.. purple?" Blaster pointed at Quinn's hair, which was turning black in streaks. "I don't think that's normal, is that normal?"

Quinn didn't respond.

"..Well, anyway, guess this our goodbye, dudes. Snake, Laura and I are- wait, what are we even gonna do?"

"We should leave Neighborville. It's all sorts of dangerous here," said Snake.

"Yeah, what he said. I don't know if I'll miss any of you in particular, but.. yeah. See ya, dudes!" he grabbed Snake by the hand and led him down the sidewalk, closely followed by Laura.

Alice waved. "Bye guys!"

Ragz and Peter were walking a bit ahead of the others.

"Who's turn is it on the bed again?"

"It's yours, Ragz,"

"Oh, sick! Nice!" Ragz pumped his fist.

"Hey, Quinn?" said Alice. Quinn hadn't said a word since Juvo was eaten. "I'm sorry about Blaster,"

She didn't respond. She slowly took the ribbons out of her pigtails, letting her long hair fall down her back.

"Quinn? Are.. are you okay?"

"Leave me be,"

"Snow Pea, Sticks, Fog boy, Purple friend.. yep, we have everyone!"

"Dave, you've counted them three times now," said Pudding.

"Yeah, I jus' wanna be sure they're all good! They were gone for an hour!"

"Thanks for the concern," said Peter.

"Man, can we go hang out now?" asked Ragz.

"Sure! I'll be up here with Puddin' if any of you need anything. We'll stay here for the night,"

Ragz ran to the back of the RV to claim the bed, face planted into the floor after Red tripped him, but quickly picked himself up and kept running. "Hah! I feel like a king!" he yelled.

"Well, you go be a king, then," said Peter. "We still have some bread left, I can make sandwiches, if you guys want,"

Ragz ran back out. "I want a sandwich!" he shouted.

"Gimme one too, Fog Boy!" said Crazy Dave.

The mood was lighter than it had ever been. Ragz, Pudding and Dave got into a debate over whether cheese sandwiches or BLTs were better, while Alice and Peter talked about old cartoons they used to like when they were younger. Quinn stayed oddly silent. They only realized night had fallen when they noticed Dave had fallen asleep in his chair.

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