Why is everybody afraid of love... L O V E !

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The next morning, there was a knock at the RV door.

"Who is that?" asked Peter.
"It better not be Mink," said Ragz.

"Well, we at least know they're human," said Alice. The person had knocked four times. "I'll check it out.. Dave, can I check it out?"
"Sure, I don' see why not,"

"Okay!" they opened the RV door, seeing two teenage boys. One was skinny, blond and blue-eyed, while the other was taller, darker, and far bulkier. He also had thick forest green hair covering his eyes. The green-haired boy held a flower pot with a threepeater inside, one of who's stems was wrapped around his arm. Both boys had matching grey jackets and slacks.

"Oh thank god, we've been looking everywhere for actual humans!" said the blond boy. "I'm Blaster, and this is my homie Snake,"

"Hullo," said Snake. His voice was quite deep, but had a softness to it.

"Hello, Blaster and Snake," said Alice. "Do you need help with anything?"

"We need help looking for Snake's girlfriend." Blaster nudged Snake in the shoulder. "He's been worried about her for ages,"

"Oh? What happened to your girlfriend?"

"I dunno, I can't see!" said Snake. "I'm blind. You should probably know that,"

"Oh. Okay." Alice looked back in the RV at Peter and Ragz. "There's some boys who need help looking for someone,"

"Huh?" Ragz walked up to the door and looked at Blaster and Snake. "Woah, you two look cool,"

"Thanks, dude," said Blaster. "Listen, we just need some dudes who're willing to search a hospital for Snake's girlfriend,"

"A hospital?" said Alice. "Why would she be in a hospital?"

"You see, she was really sick when I saw her last, like- deadly sick. Knowing there's zombies around, I wanna get her out of there. I'm worried."

"Oh. We can help you guys!" said Alice. "..Do you guys wanna help Snake?"

"Znake? I wanna see the Znake!" said Quinn. She ran to the door to get a look at Snake. "Hello mr. Znake! You don't look like most of the Znakez I've seen though,"

"I'm not a Snake, that's just my name, bro,"

"Bro? I'm not your brother, zilly! I'm Quinn!"

"Haha, very funny. Well, are you guys gonna help us or not?"

"Hey Dave, can we help these guys find their girlfriend?" asked Alice.

"Why not? Good luck, Snow pea!" said Crazy Dave.

"Okay guys! We'll help you!"


Blaster held onto Snake's arm to stop him in front of a tall building.

"Are we here?" Snake asked.

"Uh.. the sign says 'North Neighborville general Hospital',"

"This is the place! Okay bros, if you see a girl with brown hair and brown eyes, tell me! That's probably her!"

"Her name's Laura, right?" asked Peter.

"Yes, her name's Laura. If I remember right, her room was on the third floor,"

Snake's threepeater tried to turn him around and leave, but Snake ambled on his own towards the entrance. "Calm down bros, I just wanna make sure Laura's okay. It'll be quick. We'll get Laura, then get out of there,"

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