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"WOOHOO!!" Pudding screamed out the drivers side window. "HEY PETER! ISN'T THIS FUN?!"

"Hey man, you're the one who pushed us down a ramp in a shopping cart!" said Ragz.


"Peter, you have to admit this is at least a little fun!" said Alice.

"I swear to god if either of you say ANYTHING about this being fun again I will personally- well, I don't know! Just know this is dangerous!"
"Calm down, ya big baby! We're almost there!" said Pudding. "Hey CJ, we're almost there, right?"
CJ mumbled in response.

"Mhm!" We're almost there!"

Pudding and CJ jerked the steering wheel and swerved around a corner, stopping along a straight road.

"I'm a flower, so I don't have any fucking money. Who's gonna pay the parking fee?" asked Pudding.

"I don't think any of us have money," said Alice.

"Well, we're breaking the law, bitches! Come on, Red, grab the rest of the Crazy Plants for me!"

Red shuffled into the back of the RV, let Pudding and CJ out, and picked up the remaining plants in her top. Peter placed Thomas Edison in his bag. Alice grabbed Crazy Dave's pot. They didn't know why, but they thought it'd come in handy.

"Come on, dumbies! Let's go save Dave!"


"The plaza is bigger than I remember it," said Peter.

"Shh! We gotta be sneaky! Like a ninja or some shit, I dunno," whispered Pudding. "I don't want you blowing our cover, that little fucker might see us!" she pointed into the plaza.

A small zombie in a lab coat was pacing around a marked circle in the middle of the plaza. Every once in a while, he messed with a device in his hands.

"D'you think that's the guy who took Dave?" asked Ragz.

"How the fuck am I supposed to know? Ask CJ, he's the smart one," said Pudding. CJ mumbled something. "He says he doesn't know either,"

"Well, should we go over?"

"Sure, I dunno why not,"

"HEY! Mr. Green dude! Turn around!" Ragz yelled.

"Hey!- What are you- hm. Well, you kids are certainly early," said the zombie. "I wasn't expecting you for another couple hours,"

"..Is this it? Are you the one who took Crazy Dave?"

"Mhm. It was me, Dr. Zomboss! What are you gonna do?"

"..You're literally just a guy. I could beat you up,"

"I- no you couldn't! Beat this, fools!"

He pressed a button on his device, causing the marked circle around him to lower into the ground, making Zomboss disappear from view.

"..What? That was- what even was that?" said Peter. "How did he even do that? What's going on??"

"Man, I dunno. He sounds lame," said Ragz. "I still think I could-"

He was cut off by a loud rumble coming from the ground. Red instinctively moved back, and the rest of the group followed. The panels covering the ground slid away in a circular pattern, opening up a massive hole in the plaza. The group stood at the edge of the hole, giving them front-row seats to what happened next.

A metal platform rose up, replacing the ground. On the platform stood a massive robot suit, surrounded by a couple dozen zombies.. Zomboss stood in a control panel in the robot's head. What immediately caught the groups eyes, however, was Crazy Dave- held up by his leg in the robot's right hand.

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