Hey my name's Trey I have a basketball game tomorrow

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"Hey, Ragz," Alice whispered.

"Ugh, what is it?" he groaned sleepily.

"Get up, it's morning,"

Ragz sat up on the couch and put on his glasses. "Is it? It's- ..are we the first ones up?"

"Yeah. Just follow me,"

Alice and Ragz sat on the roof of the RV, lit solely by the slowly rising sun. The previously overcast sky was clear.

"Ragz, I'm gonna teach you how to read,"

Earlier that morning, Alice had borrowed Quinn's glitter pen and swiped one of Peter's old worksheet papers from his bag.

"Wait, really? If you asked me a month or two ago, I would've never guessed that I'd ever actually be able to read,"

"Well, you're gonna learn right now,"

Alice quickly wrote out all 26 letters of the alphabet, a bit spaced out from each other.

"What are those? Are those all the letters?" asked Ragz.

"Yeah, that's A," Alice pointed to the letter A. "'A' sounds like the start of my name. A-lice,"

"Oh cool! Is there an A in my name?"

"Yeah! R-A-gz,"

"This is cool. This is really cool,"

Alice spent the morning teaching Ragz the letters of the alphabet. By the time they'd reached Z, the sun was fully up.

"-And Z. Z is like the end of your name, it makes the 'zzz' sound,"

"Z. Rag-z. Is that all of them?"

"Yeah, that's all 26. Wanna try writing some words?"

"You're teaching me how to write too? This is the best day ever!"

Alice wrote a letter A, then handed Ragz the glitter pen and paper. "Just copy that A,"

Ragz quickly scrawled out something roughly resembling a letter A. It was large and messy, but it was an A.

"A is for Alice, A is for Alice," Ragz repeated quietly to himself. "Is it good?" he asked.

"I'm really proud that you're learning so quickly, Ragz!" Alice exclaimed.

"Well, I couldn't learn at all if you weren't teaching me,"

"Come on, we still have 25 more letters to write!"

Alice spent the next hour writing down words and teaching Ragz their pronounciations. With each successful word, Ragz got a little more excited.

"Okay, can you read that?" Alice pointed at the word written on the page.

"Uh.. Sweetpea?"

"Yeah, that's Sweetpea!"

Ragz's eyes lit up. "Oh sick! Nice!" he took the pen and scribbled the word "Sweetpea" below where Alice had written it. "-And I can write it too!"

"You're doing great!"

"Wait 'til brussels sprouts sees me now! That jackass think's I'm an idiot,"

"Don't say things like that,"

"What am I s'posed to call him? He's a jackass,"

"Just.. don't be mean to eachother. It won't make anything better,"

"He never makes anything better." Ragz touched the hair covering his eye. "He's just so.. Ugh,"

"Do you wanna talk about something?"

"Anything, as long as it's not Mink,"

"..What's your favorite color?"

"My favorite color? I don't know that many color names,"

"Which ones do you know?"

"I know blue, white, green and grey. None of them are my favorite though." Ragz looked at his hands. "It's like- how do I describe it, it's the color of the rectangle on Mink's stupid shirt!"

"So, Red?"
"Red? Is that it's name? Yeah, red. Isn't that Red's name though?"

"Yeah, but it's just her name. Maybe she's named after her boots,"

"That'd be weird though,"


Alice looked over the paper, looking for any nook or cranny where they could cram in more writing or reading practice. The entire page was filled. "We should go back inside and ask Peter for another one of his pages,"

"Sure. Good idea,"

The pair climbed off the RV and went back inside.

"-and that's why a hotdog is totally a sandwich!"

"Listen up, you fucking flower, it's only one piece of bread! It cant be a sandwich if theres only one bread!"

Pudding and Mink were arguing.

"But the hotdog goes in between the two sides of the bun! It has bread on both sides!"

Peter was the first to notice Alice and Ragz's return. "Please save me from this nightmare," he groaned.

"Alice! Ragz! Is a hotdog a sandwich??" Pudding asked them.

"Huh? Why is that a question?"

"Because this thing thinks a hotdog is a sandwich!" said Mink. "I'm not going down without a fight!"

"It is!! There's bread and meat so it's a sandwich!"

Alice sat down and looked over to the Crazy Plants on the floor. The three with leaves covered their ears while the four without sat in visible discomfort.

"Iz...iz a burrito a zandwich?" mumbled Quinn. "Cauze Juvo thinkz itz a zandwich.. And Juvo'z alwayz right.." she yawned and stumbled off into the second room.

Pudding and Mink stared at her.

"A burrito is a sandwich," said Pudding.

"It is not," Mink scowled.

"Can you two please stop arguing??" asked Peter. "I can't deal with this constant noise,"

"Sometimes crucial debates are more important than your feelings, Peter, and I need to prove a point!" said Pudding.

"You don't have a point to prove! A burrito is not a sandwich!"

"Your face is gonna be a sandwich soon!"

"The hell does that even mean??"

Pudding hopped up and walked over to Crazy Dave. She whispered something in his ear.

"Hey, can I trust all you kiddos to stay on yer' own for a bit? Puddin' needs to ask me somethin' alone," said Crazy Dave.

"Yes, yes you can," said Mink. "I'll keep everyone calm,"

"Thanks, Hundin!" Crazy Dave and Pudding stepped outside.

As soon as they were gone, Mink confronted Ragz.

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