The moment you realize Morgan Freeman is actually- a white boy.

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The broken neon sign flicked on and off momentarily, before remaining off.

"Here's our first real stop, kids!" said Crazy Dave.

"Why are we stopping here?" asked Ragz.

"To get a mushroom! Why else?"

Dave stopped the RV in front of the shop. "Snow pea, here's a fiver. You and Sticks get out for a second, I need a favor from ya,"

Alice and Ragz stepped out of the RV and stood in front of the shop.

"Okay, can you kids see if there's anyone in there? I've been meanin' to get myself a mushroom for while now,"

"..You aren't going to come with us?" said Alice.

"Sorry, I can't. I gotta make sure if we got any bacon left,"

"But can't you just-"

"Jus' go! Here, if it makes you feel better, I'll send Pudding with ya,"

"I am NOT going with them!" Pudding shouted from within the RV.

"Okay nevermind! Just go get me a mushroom, okay?"


Alice and Ragz looked at each other for a moment, then stepped into the mushroom shop.

"Hey, this place is pretty cool," said Ragz.

The shop was very open, yet also quite cozy. Many large shelves lined with mushrooms stood in lines around the garden. Puff-shrooms, sun-shrooms, fume-shrooms.. even some doom-shrooms stood alone on their own shelf.

"Hey, look at these guys!" said Ragz, pointing to the doom-shrooms. "I've never seen a mushroom like this before," he reached out to touch one.

"Ragz, no!" yelled Alice. They slapped his hand away from the doom-shroom. "Didn't you read the sign? These mushrooms are dangerous!"

"What sign?"

"That one!" Alice pointed to a warning sign attached to the shelf.

"How am I supposed to know what it says? Only high class kids were taught how to read,"

"..Oh. Sorry,"

Ragz quickly moved on from the doom-shrooms and continued looking around the shelves. Alice searched for a checkout while Ragz peered at the ice-shrooms in their mini-freezer. Alice eventually found the cash register, but it was empty. On the counter stood a small sign.

"QuInn Is upstaIrz! I can help yOu If yOu need tO buy One Of the lIttle guyz!"

It was messy and clearly handwritten, scrawled out in pink glitter pen.

"I think we should check upstairs," said Alice. Ragz stumbled out from between two shelves. His fingers were coated in ice.

"Tip from me- don't touch the blue ones, they are not friendly,"

Once Alice got Ragz's fingers unstuck from each other, the two headed up the small staircase in the back of the shop. They were met with a wooden door with another handwritten sign. Same pink glitter pen.

"Pleaze knOck befOre yOu cOme In! I need tO knOw If JuvO Iz Okay wIth It!"

"Read that for me, I can't read," said Ragz.

"We have to knock before entering,"

"Oh, okay,"

Ragz knocked on the door. The two heard muffled conversation on the other side, but eventually heard a singsong voice yell out-

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