I dunno about sleep, it's summer time!

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The first morning of Quinn's absence. The RV was truly silent. Everyone was awake, but nobody spoke.

For the first time, Itty Bitty and Huffy sat with the rest of the Crazy plants, all of which tried their best to comfort the two mushrooms.

The day went by surprisingly quickly. No stops. Just driving.

"We're here, kiddos!" said Crazy Dave.

Alice looked up through the front window, seeing the Uno Taco building. They were in the parking lot. Nobody ended up responding to Dave.

"..I get it, you're all.. A little out of it. I understand.. We can get 'em tomorrow. Sounds good?"

"Sure," said Pudding. "I'm just glad this is almost over,"

Alice sat on the couch alone. They'd barely moved since they got up. Sweetpea tried snuggling up to them, but to no avail.


"..So, Peter.. What do you wanna do?" Ragz asked him.

"I don't know, Ragz. I've said that three times,"

"Well I'm.. I dunno. I'm just- ugh,"

Ragz sat down next to Alice. "Man, do you wanna do anything?" he asked.

"I.. I'm,"

"If.. If you don't wanna do anything, I'm okay with that, it's just- well, you haven't really talked to anyone all day and.. Man this place isn't the same without her. Or you,"

Alice paused for a moment. "Hey, Ragz, can we talk about something? Like, alone?"

"This late? Allie, it's already dark out,"

"It.. it just came to me now. You.. you don't have to come if you don't want to,"
"Nah, I'll be fine,"

The two stepped outside. Alice climbed atop the RV, Ragz following shortly behind them. Light shone from the RV frontview window, illuminating the bottom of their faces, a contrast against the dark sky.

"So.. What's up? Thanks for the excuse to get away from Red," said Ragz.

"I-I uh, I..wanted to ask you something," said Alice.

"Hit me,"

"..Back when Mink first came in our group, he asked you about your eye, and you seemed really.. Scared about it. Is there something- like, wrong with your eye or something?"

"Huh. My eye?"

"You don't have to answer if you don't want to,"

Ragz didn't answer. He simply lifted his hair away and tucked it behind his ear. His right eye was bright green. Alice really noticed his other eye's color as well- a dull amber color. A sharp contrast to the green.

"Oh. That.. that looks pretty cool, actually!"

"You- you're not mad at me?"

"It's just your eye color,"

"Huh. I thought you would be mad,"

"No, it looks cool! Why would I be mad?

"Well, when I was growing up- Aw, where do I start, for one, my parents? Terrible. Druggies, the both of em," Ragz closed his eyes. "We were the lowest class there was. Grey-wearers. I never learned how to read cause we were too poor to afford education for me,"

"Oh.. that's terrible, I'm sorry,"

"You see, the society leader thought I was sent from hell or something cause I had two different eyes, so I grew my hair long to hide it. It's really annoying,"

"Well, you don't have to hide your eye anymore,"
"I don't? Well, it's such a habit that it might be weird.. Not doing it. I don't really even need these glasses, my parents just thought they'd make my eye.. Go away,"

"Well, you don't have to stop wearing them,"

"Nah, I'm not gonna." Ragz let his hair fall back in front of his green eye. "Wanna know a secret?"


"Apparently I was supposed to have a twin sister but she died. That was fun to find out at.. man, I don't even know how young I was,"

"Oh. Oh, that's.. oh,"

"She was somewhat of an imaginary friend for me growing up. I named her Greph. She was cool," Ragz opened his eyes again. "My parents thought I was crazy,"

"..My parents thought I was a bit crazy too,"

"Huh. Guess we're more similar than I thought, eh?" Ragz laughed. He stopped when he noticed Alice wasn't laughing with him. "Yo, you cool man?"

Alice blinked back into focus. "Oh. Yeah I'm.. fine, it's just-"

"You're still thinking about Quinn, aren't you,"

"..Please don't say her name,"

"Sorry, sorry.. I miss her too. We all do,"


"Man, I- should we talk about something else? Want me to talk more about how I was as a kid?"

"No no, it's-it's fine, I-" Alice sniffed and blinked back tears. "-I'm okay,"

"I can tell when you're sad, man. I'm sorry,"

"It's not your fault, Ragz," Alice wiped away tears with their sleeve. They looked up at Ragz, who's eyes were also dotted with tears. "It's nobody's fault,"

"..There's nothing we can do to change the past, we just gotta- like.. accept she's gone,"

"Yeah. Something like that,"

Alice layed back on the roof of the RV, looking up at the stars. Ragz layed with them. They existed in silence for a few minutes. The only sounds were Alice's sniffs and the rustling of their jacket, wiping tears from their eyes.

"Alice, are we friends?" Ragz asked.

"Yes, of course we are. Why do you ask?"

"I've never had friends before. I didn't know it was so nice,"

Alice turned their head and looked at Ragz, who did the same.

"Greph would think you were really really cool,"

"You can see Saturn from here," said Alice.


Peter stepped outside. "Crazy Dave fell asleep, you two should come in," he said. "It's Alice's turn on the bed,"

"Aw, really?" said Ragz.

"You had it last night, and I'll have it tomorrow. You get it the day after,"

"Okay, fine,"


Alice stared up at the ceiling in the darkness. Sweetpea by their side; curled up on a pillow. The only noise was Ragz's soft snoring from the other room.

"..I'm sorry, Quinn."

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