Zack stop, Zack- stop, you're gonna get in trouble,

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"..Laura's room," they whispered to themself. They looked closer at the girl in the photo. Brown hair. Brown eyes. They looked back to the crushed bed. "..Oh no,"

Alice peered out of a crack in the door; Sweetpea peered around their leg. No sign of zombie Laura. Photo stashed in their pocket, they crept down the hall, following the thump of Laura's footsteps.

"Sweetpea, slap me if you see Blaster or-" Alice was interrupted by Blaster running into them.

"Augh, dude! Dude, run! It's after me!" Blaster yelled. As he finished and ran off, Laura rounded a corner and continued her pursuit.

"RUN INTO A ROOM! GO IN A ROOM!" Alice shouted, grabbing Sweetpea by the stem and running down the hall. She ran forward where Blaster had made a left- quickly realizing why he'd made that left. Dead end, with nothing but a broken elevator. They turned around to run back, but Laura blocked their path.

"Okay Sweetpea, we're gonna die," said Alice. "We are.. definitely going to die," they backed against the wall behind them as Laura slowly approached. She stood mere feet away, looming over them.

"I love you, Sweetpea!" Alice yelped. They ducked and covered their head, anticipating the worst.

Yet the worst didn't come.

"..Snaaaake?" Laura mumbled.

Alice looked up at Laura. "Huh? No no no, no Snake. No Snake," Alice stammered. "Snake isn't here,"

"Snaaake," Laura groaned. She turned around and walked down the hall, turning into the same hallway Blaster had run into.

"..Sweetpea? Do you know what just happened?" Sweetpea didn't respond. "Me neither,"

They stood up and followed where Laura had gone, but stopped in front of a door. They peered inside, seeing Blaster huddled on the floor in an empty corner.

"You lived? How-how did you live?" asked Blaster.

"I dunno, but I think she's looking for Snake,"

"Yeah, I heard, but- wait, that thing's a she?"

Alice pulled the picture out of their pocket. "That 'thing' is Laura," they handed Blaster the photo.

"No way, there's no- way.. yes way, yes way," Blaster stuttered. "Oh god,"

"..Maybe we should just find Quinn and Snake and get out of here," said Alice. Sweetpea nodded and made a noise of agreement.

"Yeah, that."

After a few minutes of quietly avoiding Laura, Alice and Blaster found their original hiding spot. Quinn waved her hands as they entered.

"Hey, Snake! We're back!" said Blaster.

Snake sat up a little straighter in excitement. "Blaster, was that her? Did you see her?" he asked.

"Maybe? She-she's a little bigger than I imagined her," Blaster stuttered.

"..Are you calling her fat? Blaster, I thought you respected women!"

Blaster glanced back at Alice. "Which one of us should tell him?" he whispered.

"You! You left me as bait!"

"Uh, she-" Blaster stammered. "She's.. okay! Laura's okay, she's good,"

Snakes face lit up. "Really? She's still alive? I-The doctors projected she wouldn't live this long! Where is she??"

Blaster broke a sweat. "She's.. uh.. She's outside! I found her on one of the-uh, lower floors and she said she'd wait outside for you. Not in the hospital,"

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