Bruh chill I dunno why you're in a big time rush

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"This is a disaster! This is a catastrophe! How will we go on?!"

Alice awoke to Crazy Dave raving about.. something.

"He's been going on like that for ten minutes," said Pudding. Alice looked over at her. Dark rings hung under her eyes. "I've been up for those ten, painful minutes,"

Alice sat up and looked over at Ragz, Quinn, and the other Crazy Plants. They were all asleep, safe for Juvo, who stared blankly back at Alice.

"Aaaaargh... if I die, I'm leaving everything to Snow pea.." groaned Crazy Dave.

"I thought you were leaving it to me," said Pudding. Sarcasm hid in her voice.

"I don't think I can leave my house to a flower, Puddin'," Dave took out a blank sheet of paper and scribbled something on it. "It's goin' to Snow pea for the time bein',"

"What is he going on about?" asked Alice.

"He's always like this when we run out of bacon," said Pudding.

"We're gonna starve! Puddin', this is serious!"

"Yes, so serious, ohh noo,"

"..Don't worry, I-I can go get some bacon, they might have some in that corner store," said Alice.

"You'd really go get the holy meat for lil' ole me?"

"Yeah, I can just go get some from the store,"

"Aw, thank you Snow pea!"

Alice scooped up the still-sleeping Sweetpea while Crazy Dave unlocked the side doors. Alice stepped out of the RV, waved goodbye and walked across the street to the corner store. It was a surprisingly foggy morning- they could barely see two feet in front of them.

"Sweetpea, get up, there might be zombies around," Alice shook Sweetpea a bit, but he remained asleep. Alice assured themself there were no zombies in the store and started their search for bacon.

Many of the shelves were empty, having been raided before, so the search went fairly quick. Somehow, in the far reaches of a freezer corner, one packet of cheap bacon remained. Alice picked it up and carried it with one hand (the other still held Sweetpea) over to the counter. No employees were behind the counter, but Alice still placed their five-dollar bill on the counter. "To feel less guilty," they told themself. Alice stuffed the packet of bacon in their pocket and walked out of the store.

Alice tried shaking Sweetpea again, but he remained limp in their arms. "Oh, you sleepy boy, if there's any zombies around I'm gonna kill you," they said to him.

Alice looked around, but the fog obscured their vision. They couldn't see where the RV was. They started walking in the direction they thought the van was- but after a while of walking, they determined they had gone the wrong direction. The very wrong direction.

"Daaave! Pudding! Where are you?" they yelled into the fog. No response. "Come on, Sweetpea, get up," they shook Sweetpea again. Finally, he blinked his eyes open and looked up at them.

"Sweetpea, we are very very lost,"

Sweetpea's eyelids drooped but Alice shook him again before putting him on the ground next to them. "We have to find Dave again, then you can go back to bed,"

Sweetpea sighed angrily, but stood up and walked to their side. Alice walked with their arms out in front of them, unable to see.. anything. Even the ground felt unfamiliar. The pair walked aimlessly for a few minutes, before spotting something in the distance.

"What.. is that?" Alice asked Sweetpea. He didn't respond, mostly because he couldn't speak, but Alice understood that he didn't know anyway. A bright light was shining in the distance. Alice and Sweetpea started walking towards it, but the light seemed to be.. moving?

"Hello? Is anyone there?" Alice asked in the general direction of the light.

"Oh? Someone's there? Hello! Hello there! I can hear you!" said a voice.

Alice started running towards where they thought the voice came from, which coincidentally matched up exactly with where they thought the light was. Sweetpea lagged a bit behind, trying to keep up with them. The light stopped moving, and Alice slowed down as they could almost make out what the light was. The light came from a plantern, who was being held by.. Someone.

As the person came closer, Alice could make out some of his features. He was tall and slim, his skin a tawny beige. His hair was dyed a bright neon yellow.

"Hello!" said the boy. "I'm Peter. Peter Lopez,"

"I'm Alice, and this is Sweetpea,"

"Oh, we're introducing plants too? My little plantern here's named Thomas Edison," Peter carefully placed Thomas in his dark brown satchel. "What are you doing out here? I thought everyone in Neighborville was boarded up inside by now," said Peter.

"I'm looking for an RV, have you seen one?"

Peter blinked. "No,"

"Oh, sorry for bothering you," Alice mumbled.

"No, wait, I-could I follow you around for a bit? Just.. I've been on my own for a long time and I'd love some company. Plus, Thomas Edison isn't too good for fighting zombies," he stuttered.

"Oh. Okay, let's.. let's look for the RV. That's where my other friends are."


Alice and Peter had been walking through the fog for a few minutes. With Thomas Edison's light, it was far easier to see where they were going.

"So.. how did you get lost?" asked Alice.

"Hm? I wasn't lost, per se, I was just.. Oh, yes I was lost. I left mi madre's apartment a few weeks ago,"

"How did you survive so long outside?"

"Most zombies can't jump. Just get on something tall enough and they can't get you,"

"Oh. Huh,"

"They always get bored eventually- oh no,"

A zombie wandered the street, aimlessly shuffling about on its own.

"Shh, maybe if we- it saw us. Not good!"

"We're good, it's only one. Sweetpea, get him!"

Sweetpea was already prepared and fired on command. The zombie, lacking a helmet, fell apart before it could get within a metre of them.

"Good job, Sweetpea!" Alice patted Sweetpea on the head as he made a noise of contentedness.

"Wow. I've.. never actually seen a plant kill a zombie before. I didn't think it was so cool!"

"Really? Well, Sweetpea's gotta be a good example, he's the best repeater ever! He'll keep us safe until we find the RV,"

"..We might be going in the wrong direction," said Alice. Nothing was familiar.

"Well, we don't exactly have anything to go off of.. hey, do you smell that?"

Alice sniffed the air a bit. "..Yeah. You mean like- the garlic scent?"

"Yes, that,"

"Should.. should we look for that? Even if we don't find the RV, we'll at least find people,"

"Sure. Yeah,"

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