I'm in me mum's car, broom broom

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 Soon enough, the RV was driving along the highway, heading for the bridge into Northside Neighborville. The vibe was chill, despite the blaringly loud 80's music playing through the radio.

"I've never been to north Neighborville," said Alice.

"What was that, kiddo?"

"I said I've never been to north Neighborville!" Alice yelled over the music.

Crazy Dave turned down the music a bit. "No need t'a yell, Snow pea,"
"Oh. Sorry,"

	"It's alright, I yell all the time! SEE? I'M YELLING RIGHT NOW!"

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"It's alright, I yell all the time! SEE? I'M YELLING RIGHT NOW!"

Dave upped the music volume even louder than before. He yelled along with all the lyrics, even those he had to make up because he didn't know them. The RV shook as it sped down the highway, rattling Alice's skull with every bump.

"DAVE, DAVE! CALM DOWN, DUDE!" Pudding yelled from the back. "YOU'RE GONNA BUST IT AGAIN!"


The RV hit a bump in the road, and a crunch could be heard. The RV sputtered a bit and slowed to a crawl, eventually stopping in the road.

"..I knew I should'a fixed that yesterday," said Crazy Dave.

"What's wrong?"

"Oh, I dunno, I'll go check it out. You can look around here if ya want; explore a bit. Jus' be back in a few minutes, 'coz we gotta leave again,"


Alice climbed into the back of the RV, walking past the small counter and the torn up sofa, to retrieve Sweetpea from the pile of Crazy Plants in the corner.

"Come on, Sweetpea, let's go explore outside! We haven't really been out in forever!"

Sweetpea perked his head up and jumped about at Alice's feet. Alice slid open the side door and stepped outside.

The highway was lined on one side with trees, the other ending in a cliff overlooking North Neighborville. Crazy Dave was out looking under the hood of the car, a few- albeit unusual- tools at his feet.

Alice and Sweetpea wandered about the side with the trees. The forest was very peaceful, with no noise other than the rustling of the leaves in the wind.

"Sweetpea, do you think there's any plants in the forest?" Alice asked. Sweetpea shrugged.

A noise interrupted the silence. The crunching of leaves. The snaps of twigs. Alice froze in place upon hearing them, while Sweetpea readied himself to fire at whatever was there.

A boy stumbled out from the forest. He had shoulder length brown hair covering his right eye, with sticks and leaves stuck all through it.

"Hey, I- AGH-" the boy stumbled after Sweetpea shot him in the shin.

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