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 Dear Markus,

Hello, it's Alice! If you're reading this, that means you lived! Which is good!

I met Crazy Dave!! The gardener at the top of the hill! The way I did was really weird though. I met this talking marigold named Pudding who took me to his house and stuff, it was pretty cool.

Anyway, I made a bunch of new friends, and I'd love to introduce them to you if you come around! There's Ragz, who's really cool, you'll like him. And there's Peter, who's super smart and is gonna invent a flying car one day. I think he could do it. And there's Quinn, who's really nice and I really like her, and of course, Pudding and Crazy Dave, they're cool too.

I also met these two really cool guys named Blaster and Snake, who were best friends and stuff, and we had to look all over the place for Snake's girlfriend Laura, but we found her! I don't think they're in Neighborville anymore, so you probably can't meet them, but you would like Blaster and Snake, they're funny.

I'll write you another letter if I get the chance to, cause I don't have the time to tell the whole story in this one, so bye!!

♡ Alice 

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