So I was sitting there, barbecue sauce on-

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Quinn was sitting facing away from Alice, with three of her mushrooms set in front of her. Juvo sat by her side.

"I want all of you to know that I'm the one in control here. Don't expect to stick around much longer. I know I'll find a way to get rid of you," she mumbled.

"..Quinn? Are you okay?" asked Alice.

Quinn snapped back and looked at them. "Oh, hello Alizz!! I'm okay!" she said. She picked up all of her mushrooms. "Let'z go. Let'z go now,"

"..Okay. Are you sure you're alright?"

"Yez! Yez I am okay! We are going!"

Quinn ushered Alice back to the entrance, where they met up with the rest of the group.

"Bye Sam!" said Alice as they left. Sam waved dismissively.

"You know, Quinn, you'd make things a lot easier if you weren't in the cart," said Peter.

"But I gotta ztay with Juvo! I can't juz leave him alone! He haz zeperation anziety." Quinn hugged Juvo.

"Well- hm. You could just walk and hold Juvo,"

"But I don't wanna,"

"..You know what- I'm not gonna bother arguing. I hate it. A lot,"

"Oh. Zorry, Petey,"

"No, it's fine, really. I'm fine.. Wait, do you hear something?" Peter stopped the cart.

"Huh? I don't hear anything," said Ragz.

"No, there's- there's totally something. I know it,"

The group stood still for a moment.

"I think you're crazy, man, I- nah, nevermind, I totally hear that,"

The sound of laughter could be faintly heard, growing louder and louder as if something was approaching-

"WOO!!" shouted a voice from behind the group. Two teenagers whizzed by in a shopping cart; one inside, the other pushing it. The one pushing it quickly swerved left, slowing the cart enough to stop.

"Sorry if we scared you, dudes!" said the girl in the cart. She climbed out of the shopping cart- which also held a chomper and a dozen sunflowers. The boy pushing the cart stretched his fingers and walked up to the group.

"Hello! Where are you people headed?" asked the blond boy. "I'm Andrew, and this is Draggie. We're the rations delivery people guys!"

The ginger girl, Draggie, climbed out of the shopping cart. "You guys must be new around here, cause I don't think I've seen any- oh, hi Leo,"

"Hi," said Leo. "These kids are trying to help me find Heidi- have either of you seen her?"

"Heidi? Black hair, purple shirt that says 'I'M HEIDI'? That Heidi?" asked Draggie.

"Yep! I got lost,"

"Man, this is the third time. When'd you see her last? Andy and I can take you back,"

"I dunno! That's the problem,"

"Hey, Andrew, ask his plants for me." Draggie pointed at Leo's leashed plants.

"Oh- why didn't I think of that? I can speak to plants too, you know," said Mink. "I'm quite talented,"

"Shut up. You said one sentence and I already don't like you," said Draggie. Andrew was already kneeling down and mumbling to Leo's plants.

"..What was that, Leo jr?" he asked the tangle kelp. "..West wing? Heidi's in the West wing? Oh. Thank you!" Andrew stood up. "Leo Jr. says that Heidi's in the West wing!"

Alice fidgeted. "Wait, isn't the West wing-"

"Totally overrun zombie land? Mhm," Draggie interrupted. "I'm just gonna wish all of you luck, cause even Andy an' I can barely get down there, and we have Dora!" she patted the head of her chomper. "Hope you don't- like, die or anything,"

"Draggie, don't say stuff like that!" said Andrew. "I'm sure you'll all be fine, but we have to go. We just wanted to check up on you! Goodbye!"

Draggie hopped back into the shopping cart among the sunflowers as Andrew stretched again. "We've got more food to deliver! See ya!" said Draggie. Andrew pushed the cart until he got to a running pace, then hopped on the back. They sped out of view.

"..Do any of you have any idea what the fuck just happened?" asked Ragz.

"All I know is that the girl was hot," said Mink. "D'you think she'd like me?"

"Eww, why would anyone like you?"

"Because I, for one, have a nice personality- unlike someone in this group who'll go unnamed,"

"Stop. You two went an entire ten minutes without fighting. Don't start now," said Peter. "You're both acting like children,"

"I am a children!" said Ragz. "I think. I don't know for sure,"

"Well- let's just go. To the West wing, I guess,"

"Let's all try not to die!" Leo said cheerfully.


Eventually, the group came to a map of the mall in front of the empty food court.

"This map says the west thing is.. Right down that hall, then down some stairs or whatever," said Ragz.

"Well, we're almost there then!" said Alice. "Good job, by the way!"

"Thanks, man!" Ragz started leading the group down the hall. "We're gonna find Heidi soon, Leo!"

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