Hurricane Katrina? More like Hurricane Tortilla

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"Crazy Dave?"

Alice woke up to Peter calling for Dave. They quickly got up, threw on their sweater and walked out into the main room.

"Hey, Alice, uh.. Crazy Dave is gone. He disappeared," said Peter. "He was gone before I got up,"

"Huh? Where could he be?"

"I don't know! That's the issue!"

"Is anyone else up?"

"Ragz isn't awake yet, and I don't think Pudding is either. I think Red's up, though."

Red grumbled in reply to Peter's statement.

"Mhm, Red's up,"

"Well.. what do we do?"

"I don't know! I just- maybe he went to get tacos himself or something?"

Alice looked into the front of the RV to see the time. 11:09 AM.

"It's eleven in the morning, I don't think he would go that early," they said.

"He's Crazy Dave. He does what he wants,"

"Yeah right he does," said Pudding. She sleepily stood up and rubbed her eyes with her leaves. "I'm surprised you dumbies didn't see the note he left,"


Pudding handed a note to Peter, who read it out loud quickly. "I left earlier so I could bring back tacos for everyone, will be back soon.. Huh. He really did get tacos at eleven in the morning,"

"Well.. do we just wait for him to get back, then?" asked Alice.

"Sure. There isn't much else we could do,"

"Oh, he won't be long. Most of the time it takes him less than a minute, since he's practically their only customer," said Pudding.


Alice, Peter and Pudding waited for Crazy Dave's return. A few minutes in, Ragz awoke, so Peter explained the situation. A couple minutes later, Alice started to get worried.

"Pudding, are you sure it usually only takes a minute?" they asked.

"Mhm. This is way longer than he usually takes. And remember, he left even before Peter got up,"

"Should I check up on him?"

"Go do that,"

Alice stepped outside with Sweetpea and walked across the parking lot into the Uno Taco. The small taco place was quite quaint. It was completely square, so you could see the entire shop. Crazy Dave was nowhere to be seen.

"..Hello?" said Alice.

"Hello and welcome to Uno Taco! May I take your order?" said the skinny teenager at the register.

"No thank you, have-have you seen a guy with a pot on his head?"

"Mr. Crazy Dave? He comes in every Monday and Friday. I'm surprised he hasn't come in yet today,"

"Oh. Thank you, sir. Come on, Sweetpea,"

They walked back outside and looked around, wondering where Crazy Dave could be. They walked in a circle around the Uno Taco.. until stopping at the back.

"..Mink? What are you doing here?"

Mink waved lightly. Leo and Heidi weren't with him. He still kept Mr. Elliot on his head. "Alice! I just.. I found Crazy Dave's pot on the sidewalk earlier and wanted to return it," said Mink. "That's all,"

"Have you seen Crazy Dave?" Alice asked him.

"No? Why do you ask?"

"Where did you find the pot?"

Mink lead Alice to an empty spot of sidewalk, being sure to hold out Mr. Elliot so no zombies approached. The few brave ones who did were shot down by Sweetpea.

"It was here. Leo and Heidi are waiting for me up ahead, so I gotta go. Give the pot back to Crazy Dave for me." Mink shoved the pot into Alice's hands and rushed off.

"Wait, Mink.. Oh, Okay. Come on, Sweetpea,"

Alice and Sweetpea walked along the barren sidewalk. Looking back at the Uno Taco, you could barely tell if there was even an apocalypse going on. The food places surrounding it? Not as much.

"Sweetpea, tell me if you see Dave," said Alice. Sweetpea nodded and put one of his leaves over his eyes, mimicking a looking motion. "He couldn't have gone very far, He only- Eep!"

A buckethead zombie was slowly approaching, with something clutched in his hand that Alice couldn't see. Sweetpea immediately started shooting at it, barely denting the metal of his helmet.

"Wait, Sweetpea, shoot it's neck!" Alice shouted. Sweetpea looked back at her, confused, but complied. He shot the buckethead squarely under it's jaw, knocking its head clean off. It fell back against the sidewalk.

"Good job, Sweetpea!" Alice crouched down and raised their hand up to him. He slapped it with his leaf in somewhat of a high-five. Sweetpea shuffled over to the corpse and looked it over.. Particularly it's left hand.

"Hm? What is it, Sweetpea?" asked Alice. Sweetpea pointed to a piece of paper in it's hand. Alice took the note from it's unclenched hand and silently read it over.

"Ragz! Peter!" Alice barged into the RV, clutching Dave's pot.

"Man, what is it?" asked Ragz.

"I-I found Dave's pot on the ground outside- and I found this note too." Alice put the note on the table.

"Crazy Dave, your beloved guardian, has been captured! If you and your stupid little friends aren't all at that stupid little city plaza by sundown tonight, I'll have his brains for supper! Sincerely, Dr. Edgar George Zomboss"

"Jeez, that can't be good," said Ragz.

"Of course it can't be!" Alice yelled. "That Zomboss guy is gonna kill Dave!"

"Why the hell would he want us in the city plaza?" asked Pudding.

"I don't know!"

"Well, it's only twelve right now, so we have some time before we have to.. y'know, be there," said Ragz.

"I'm still stressed about it! He might die! How the heck are you so calm??"

"Man, I'm still like half asleep, I'm not taking in anything you're saying,"

"Oh. Well.. what are we gonna do?"

"Maybe.. Figure out how we're gonna get there?" said Peter. "I've lived in this city my whole life, and.. The plaza is a few miles from here. It'd take too long to walk,"

Pudding hopped down from the passenger seat and walked over to the Crazy Plants. "Hey! CJ! Get up! I need you for something!"

CJ groaned and sat up from the floor. He grumbled something in plant language.

"Oh, shut up. Come on, Red, I need you too. Put down Merry and Mari,"

Peter puzzled at the plants as CJ and Pudding climbed into Red. "..What are you guys doing?"

"Oh, we're gonna drive the RV. No biggie,"

"..You guys can do that?" asked Alice.

"Oh, we've done it before. Last time we tried we didn't even hit anything!"

"Wait wait wait, no. This is dangerous. This is seriously dangerous," said Peter. "I- what are you thinking??"

"Who cares if it's dangerous? Dave is in danger and we're gonna save him! By the way, passengar seat is open," said Pudding as Red climbed into the drivers side seat.

"Nobody is going to sit in the passengar seat, cause you guys aren't going to be driving the RV!"

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