Can I get a waffle? Can I please get a waffle?

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"Alice, I need your help with something," said Mink.

After the buzz of having bacon, the group had calmed down a bit. Ragz and Peter were talking on the couch, while Quinn sat at the table with all her mushrooms on the table in front of her. Pudding was with the rest of the Crazy plants, and Crazy Dave was drawing pictures of bacon in the front seat.

"Oh? What do you need?" Alice asked.

"Come outside with me for a sec,-" Mink leaned in and whispered- "I don't want anyone else hearing,"

He slid open the RV door and stepped outside. Alice followed him and shut the door, noticing the fog had mostly lifted. Mink climbed up on the hood of the RV and onto the roof. Again, Alice followed him. The overcast sky hung heavy over them. The skyline was broken up with tall buildings.

"What did you need help with?" asked Alice.

"From my time being around this little group, I've noticed a couple things,"

"..Such as?"

"Well, for one, I've noticed that you seem to be the most helpful and kind one of us, which is why I'm asking you to help me with a plan,"

Confusion overtook Alice's expression. "A plan? What kind of plan?"

"We are disposing of Ragz and Quinn."

"Mink- what? Why would you want to get rid of Ragz and Quinn?" asked Alice.

"For one, Ragz is a nuisance. He's annoying and stupid, and most of all, ignorant. So, so ignorant,"

"Mink, don't say things like that,"

"-And Quinn is almost worse. She's just so- annoying! And I'm not sure if you've noticed, but she is quite literally a zombie. If we keep her around, she's going to eat us! It's just in her nature,"


"Okay, here's my plan. Next time we stop somewhere, you're going to lure both of those.. idiots away with you, and at the first opportunity- you run!"

"Mink, I'm not going to help you,"

"What? Why not? My wishes need to be considered too, don't they?,"

"Of course they do, it's just that-"

"How come you like your other friends more than me, hm? I'm your friend, aren't I?"

"..But- Ragz and Quinn are-"

"I hope I made my plan clear," Mink slid down off the edge of the van, landing swiftly on his feet. Alice followed quickly after.

"Mink, We can't just get rid of-"

They heard the RV door open and then shut. "Oh, that's where you were, Alice!" said Ragz. "What're you doing talking to brussels sprouts here?"

Mink scoffed at him. "You're lucky you can even stand in our presence, street rat,"

"Hey, knock it off, green bean,"

"Oh, hush now Ragz, your idiotic opinion isn't needed," said Mink, shooing him away with his hand.

"Mink, don't say stuff like that," said Alice.

Ragz rolled up his sleeves. "Oh, you think you're being real' funny now, huh? You're the idiot here,"

"At least I have some upper class flair, your pitiful opinions couldn't matter less to me,"

"You can just shut up!" yelled Ragz, grabbing Mink by the hood and shoving him against the side of the van. "You're not even one of us! If you were, you'd be appreciated!"

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