Blaze it - just kidding its from my macaroni and CHEE-HEESE

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"Aight, remember to get bread, water, plant food, and a bunch of other stuff," said Crazy Dave. He'd parked the RV in front of the entrance to SunnySide mall, the largest mall in Neighborville.

"Why aren't you coming with us?" asked Peter.

"I'm not allowed twenny' feet within the building. Don't ask,"

"He let Red drive a shopping cart into the fountain!" Pudding shouted from the back. "I was in the cart! That's why I'm banned too!"

"Shh! It was jus' one time! Th' Mall people are kinda strict, ya' might wanna avoid havin' any fun,"

"..Understood, Crazy Dave,"

"Alrighty! Fog boy, Snow pea, Sticks, Hundin, Purple friend, try an' be back by five! Thas' when I usually have dinner and I don' want the rest of you to go hungry again,"

"Got it."

"Here's some money to get y'all started, come back once you've got ev'rything!"


The Wall-Nut mart was the first place the group entered. It was eerily silent, with very few people roaming the halls and only one checkout open. Despite the creepy vibe, they were happy there were people there at all. Peter got a shopping cart from the rack- which Quinn jumped into with her mushrooms as soon as she got the chance. Peter reluctantly pushed her around as they searched the shelves for remaining food.

"Okay, we have bread, lettuce, water, tomatoes- Quinn, stop trying to eat the cereal," said Peter. Quinn grumpily put down the box.

"You know, I could buy this entire shelf," said Mink.

"Yeah, we get it. Shut up," said Ragz.

"Why should I shut up? Your voice is so grating I'm surprised we haven't been turned to shreds yet,"

"Won't you two stop fighting already? I'm tired of listening to it," said Peter. "We get that you hate eachother's guts for whatever reason, but I hate hearing you yell at eachother all the time,"

"Fine, fine, I get it, I'm sorry," said Ragz.

"Yeah. Sorry," grumbled Mink.

Alice scanned the shelves for cheap, filling foods. Having no idea how much money Crazy Dave had given Peter, they looked for anything under five dollars. They picked up some cheese slices as the group walked through the dairy isle-

"Hello there! Hello! Have you seen Heidi?"

Alice looked behind them and saw a tall, blond man walking towards them. He had three plants on leashes tied to his wrists; a twin sunflower, a chomper, and a tangle kelp in a fishbowl on top of a gym scooter. The man had a green T-shirt that read "IF LOST, RETURN TO HEIDI".


"Leo, what on earth are you doing here??" asked Mink. "Shouldn't you be- ugh, nevermind,"

The man looked down at Mink. "Oh, hello Mink! I didn't see you! Haha, get it? Cause-cause you're short?"

"Yes. Very funny, Leo,"

"Mink, do you know this person?" asked Peter.

"Yeah, of course I do. His name's Leo, he works for my dad,"

"-And I'm looking for Heidi!"

"..Who's Heidi?" asked Peter.

"My friend, Heidi! Have any of you seen her?

"You're looking for your friend? Where did you see her last?" asked Alice.

"I dunno! That's why I can't find her,"

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