Chapter 1.

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"Oh, come on!" My best friend, Macy groaned, throwing yet another dress at me. "You need to look hot! This is going to be the best party of the year-"

"And we're invited. Yeah, yeah I get it." I sighed, sitting down on my bed. "I'm just not the party type."

"That's because you sit in your room all day and watch Netflix." She chuckled, eyeing a pair of heels my Mother once gave me. 

"That's because I don't like to go out and party all the time." I complained, holding up the thin matirel, Macy called a dress. Macy was always the one who wanted to be in the popular crowd, she was captin on the cheer leading team, and she was very beautiful. She had long, beautiful blonde hair, that curled in perfect ringlets, with a pair of light crystal blue eyes, Her skin was fair, but her legs were long and muscular from all the sports she's done. The white crop top she wore clung her her toned torso, and not to mention she was a solid round C cup. 

I, on the other hand was plain. Standing next to her in a group of guys would be pointless. My hair was a boring, lazy brown color, which was natrually curled, but I straightened for obvious reasons. My eyes were a chocolate brown, with shades of light brown. I was tan, a fair skin color, which I try to adore and take care of as much as possible. I do not like my face, it resembles a fifteen year old, though I was seventeen, I don't like how it makes me look so young. 

As I said before, standing next to Macy would be pointless, because she has more figure than me. I was a normal B cup, and I was on the slim side. Of course I had some curves, but they were only noticed in tight clothing, which I try to avoid.

"Rose!" Macy called, snapping her fingers in my face. "We need to leave here in a hour so can you please start getting dressed."

I sigh, nodding, knowing there was no way of getting out of here with Macy. She was so out going and always knew how to get her way. I stalked into the bathroom, peeling off my clothes, and gazing at my body in the mirror. I imagined having curves like Macy, but there was only a slight dip in my hips. 

I pulled the dress over my head, tugging it down so it wouldn't show so much of my thighs, and walked out, turning to Macy. "Can you zip me up?"

She quickly zipped the dress, and stared me up and down. "You look hot," She grinned. 

"The dress is short," I mumbled, pulling it down.

"You know, pulling it down will only make your boobs show," She guestured towards my chest, where my breast were spilling out. I yelped, pulling the dress up, only to have more of my legs exposed. "Here, wear some transparent tighs."

She tossed a pair of tights in my direction, which I hastily yanked on, while she tossed a pair of black heels.

"I don't know how to walk in heels," I muttered, handing them back to her, but she pushed them towards me.

"We will have a practice walk around your room." I nodded, slidding on the heels, and stumbling a bit as I paced the room. Once I slightly broke into them, Macy began pushing me into the bathroom. "I need to do your hair,"

She decided on giving my hair soft waves, pinning back the front parts of my hair, and added a little eye liner with mascara, though my denies. "Wow," 

"What?" I asked, looking down at myself.

"You look.... different." She breathed out.

"I knew it! I knew I would look like a fool! I should just take this off-" 

"Oh hush! I meant different as in hot. It's good to see you not wearing reading glasses for once." 

"Thanks," I blushed, sitting on the bed. "So.... when are leaving?" 

"Right now," She giggled, pulling me off the bed. My parents were on a date night tonight, and only God knows what my brother is doing. We silently crept down the stairs, grabbing Macy's keys of the counter and heading out to the car. "I hope Wenston is there,"

"Why?" I demanded, looking at her as if she was crazy.

"For obvious reasons," She said slowly. I thought for a moment, letting her words sink in. 

"No," I hissed, glaring at her. "You're only going to this party to make him jealous!"

"To show him that I am moving on." She said.

"Showing him by how? Dancing on other guys and getting drunk!" I cried out.

"Can you relax?"

"No! He cheated on you how many times and you want to make him jealous. I get that you still love him, but doing this isn't going to help." I tried to calm my voice.

"You don't know the first thing that comes to love." She snapped.


"Okay maybe I don't. But I know well enought that whatever plan you have going on is stupid, and you should stop it." I said.

"You see, maybe this is why you only have me as a friend. Your so up tight and you only think of yourself!" She said loudly, and I stared at her.

"What?" I breathed out.

"Oh, crap! I'm sorry Rose. I didnt-" 

"Save it," I cut her off. "What you said is done. Do what you want tonight. But if Wenson breaks your heart again, dont come crying to me asking if we can eat ice cream together."

"He wont," She whispered, and  shrugged.

* * *

We arrived at the party moments later, and I quickly climbed out of the car. I had no idea what to do, or where to go, I was planning on following after Macy, but she has better people to hang out with.

"Rose!" She called, and I could hear the sound of her heels clamping on the sidewalk behind me. I stormed up the drive way, debating if I should barge into the house or knock on the door. Thankfully, just as I reached the door, someone opened, and I walked right in.

She called my name again, grabbing ahold of my wrist and turning me around.

"I'm sorry alright? I was pissed I didn't mean to say that." Her eyes flashed with sadness. "Look, we've been best friends since kindergarten and I don't want to ruin our friend ship over some stupid fight."

"We haven't fought like that since fifth grade," I said.

"I know, I'm sencerily sorry for what I said." She smiled hopefully, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"It's fine. I'm sorry for calling you out over Wenston. I know how you feel about him, but I just hate the way you talk about him after what he did to you." I admitted.

"I know, lets just forget this every happened, alright?" She linked arms with mine and I giggled, agreeing. 

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