I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
TIK TAC TOE TOKERS xxx-xxx-xxx: there I added Griff xxx-xxx-xxx: um that's not Griffins number you idiot y/n: I'm sorry I'm not Griffin xxx-xxx-xxx: istg Payton you do this every time! xxx-xxx-xxx: I'm sorry it was an accident y/n: I can leave if you want? xxx-xxx-xxx: yes. Leave thanks xxx-xxx-xxx: chase don't be such a dick y/n changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Chase 😕 y/n: it's fine I'll leave xxx-xxx-xxx: no it's fine don't Chase😕: Josh she could leak our numbers! y/n changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Joshy 🙃 xxx-xxx-xxx: chase shut up xxx-xxx-xxx: he has a point y/n: I'm so sorry for causing so much drama. xxx-xxx-xxx: it's fine you haven't! I'm Griffin y/n changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Griff 😄 Chase😕:GRIFFIN YOU IDIOT DONT TELL IT YOUR NAME y/n: it? Wow okay xxx-xxx-xxx: way to go chase. Joshy🙃: don't worry about chase he's an idiot. I'm Josh! It's nice to meet you. y/n: hi Josh and Griffin it's nice to meet you too xxx-xxx-xxx: hey I'm Payton, the dumb one that added you. y/n changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Pay😇 y/n: hi Payton 😂 xxx-xxx-xxx: what is your name?? y/n: idk unknown number whats yours? xxx-xxx-xxx: I'm Anthonyyy! The cute one y/n changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Ant 🐜 Griff😄: That is NOT true I am Joshy🙃: they are dumb it's me Chase😕: why are you being nice it could be a 50 year old man xxx-xxx-xxx: seriously dude you need to zip it. Hi I'm Jaden, it's so nice to meet you! y/n changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Jaden🥰 y/n: hi Jaden 😊 xxx-xxx-xxx: why does he get a smiley face?! Jaden🥰: cause I'm the best xxx-xxx-xxx: excuse me?! I am Jaden! So, are you a girl or a boy?? y/n: I'm a girl haha xxx-xxx-xxx: YES FINALLY ANOTHER GIRL OMG!! I'm Avani!! y/n changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Avani💖 Joshy🙃: hey you have Noen! y/n changed xxx-xxx-xxx to Softy🥺 xxx-xxx-xxx: Josh I am not a girl 😡 Avani💖: so do we get to know your name now?? y/n: haha sure. I'm y/n and I'm 17 Joshy🙃: aww hiiiii Jaden🥰: you have a beautiful name y/n: thank you 🥺 Softy🥺: can we know what you look like?? y/n: uhhh... idk I'm really ugly Avani💖: come on girly I'm sure you are gorgeous! y/n: I'm really not... but here's me..
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