I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
We begin walking up to his room. "Wait Pay aren't you supposed to be at the house?" I question. "Well yeah but mom told me there was a special person I had to meet so I came back" he giggled. "Wait so, how far away are you guys?" I ask hoping it won't be too far away. "Only about 30-40 minutes depending on traffic" he says smiling as we walk into his room. "Oh yay!" I say excitedly. "Yeah did Jaden tell you?" He asked and I nod.
For a few hours I get to know Faith and Joanne. We are sitting around the dining table when Payton speaks. "So mom is it okay if I go back to my house tomorrow? I need to help the boys move in." "Yeah of course sweetie. You should take Liv with you so she can meet your friends." Jo replies. Payton smiles, "she actually knows most of them but if you want to come I'm sure Jaden would love that" he giggles. "Jaden? Are you two dating?" Faith asks and I giggle. "Um yeah" I say. She starts smiling widely. "Awwww that's so cute!" She exclaims. "Dad can I go" I ask him. "Of course you can hunny" he says and I smile. "Don't tell Jay. Let's keep it a surprise" Payton says and I nod. We finish up dinner and head off to bed.
I wake up to the sound of the birds chirping. I get up and make the bed then walk downstairs. "Good morning hunny" Jo says smiling. "Morning" I say sitting at the table and pour myself a bowl of cereal. "Are you excited to go meet Payton's friends?" She asked and I nod as I shove a spoonful of lucky charms in my mouth. I finish chewing and then say, "I'm super excited to see Jaden. I thought it would be forever until I get to see him again" and she smiles. "You should invite him to dinner tomorrow" she said. "Oh no that's okay, I don't want to intrude" I said smiling. "Intrude on what hunny?" She asked confused. "On your family and your house" I said giggling slightly. "Olivia this is your home too. We are your family now. I know that might be a bit hard to comprehend but it's true. We love you and this is your home. Your dad and I want to meet your boyfriend, and your friends. We want to hear about what's happening in your life. We want to support you and love you through everything" my heart melted. "Thank you Jo" I said smiling. "So are you going to invite him?" She asked. "Sure" I said giggling.
I went upstairs and got ready for the day. I put on this.
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I then went and knocked on Payton's door. "Come in" he said. I wanted in and he was sat on the edge of his bed putting his shoes on. "You excited?" He asked and I nodded. "Very" I said smiling. "Alright let's go" he said standing up grabbing his keys. I follow him downstairs. "We are leaving mom" he says as she walks out from the kitchen. "Okay kids have fun and Liv don't forget to ask Jaden" she says and I smile. "I won't" I said and we went and got in Payton's car.
The whole way we were laughing and screaming lyrics to one direction, high school musical and Hannah Montana. We finally pulled up to the house and my mouth dropped. "This place is incredible!" I said as I couldn't take me eyes off of it. "I know right" he replied and we parked. "Okay we are going to go in very quietly okay" he said and I nodded. We opened the door and walked in. All of the boys were sitting along the couch and I spot Jaden. "Can I go first?" I whipsered to Payton and he nodded. I walk up quietly behind Jaden and place my hands over his eyes. He jumps in fright. "Guess who?" I say. "No." He says. "No your kidding me right" he said getting more excited. I giggled. He ripped my hands off of his eyes and turned around. "OH MY GOD" he screams jumping up and over to me picking me up. I just start giggling and all of the boys are watching laughing at him. I wrap my legs around his torso. "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING HERE" he said squeezing my little body. "So turns out Payton is my new brother" I giggle. "Oh my god no way" he said as he put me down and looked at me. "I can't believe you're here" he said embracing me in another hug. "I missed you" I said. "I missed you too" he said pulling away and kissing me. All the boys aww'd. I pulled away. "Hi boys" I said smiling. "Can I get a hug now?" Anthony asks "Of course" I said giggling and hugging him. "My besties back" he said. I then hugged Josh. "Hi joshyyy" I said giggling. "Hi livvyyyy" he giggled. I pulled away and looked at the other two boys. "Hi I'm Bryce" one of them said. "Hi I'm Olivia, it's lovely to meet you" I said hugging him. "And I'm Kio" the other said as I hug him too.
We all pull away and I look over at Jaden who still has the biggest smile on his face. I walk over to him and smile. "I can't believe you are here princess" he said smiling. "I can't either" he pulled over to where the boys where sitting. He pulled me by his side and we sat down. He placed his arm around my shoulders pulling me closer towards him. I wrapped my arm around his torso and laid my head on his chest. He kissed my head. "Wow you guys make me feel so single" Bryce said laughing. I giggle and pull away. "Sorry" I say as Jaden's grip doesn't loosen. "Jay" I whisper whilst giggling. "What? I'm not letting you go just cause Bryce is single" he says and I giggle.
We sit there talking, for hours on end. "Oh Jay by the way Jo invited you over for dinner tomorrow" I said smiling waiting for his reply. "Of course I will come" he says as he pecks my lips. "My dad will be there too" I say. He gulps. "Your dad huh?" He says a little quieter "Don't worry he is really excited to meet you." I say reassuring him. ___________________________________ Authors note: I hope you guys are staying safe omg! If anyone need anything lmk. Thank you guys so much for 70k I actually can't believe it! thank you so much. If you guys have any suggestions let me know and I'll see what I can do. I have an idea for another book but idk if I wanna start the other one and keep doing this one or focus on finishing this one first and then do the new one. What do you guys think? Please stay safe I love you all. Once again sorry for the self promo, but if ya wanna follow my TikTok is @_mclovinmaya and so is my insta ❤️