Chapter 3

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after a while Amelie went home, it was getting late. I decided I should probably see what was happening in the group chat.

Avani💖: has anyone heard from y/n today?
Joshy🙃: no...
Griff😄: she had school it's no biggy
Softy🥺: it's also 10:42pm. I think she'd be home by now
Jaden🥰: wait, guys I'm worried what if something happened to her
Chase😕: I'm sure she's fine
y/n: hey cuties
y/n: I was at school
Joshy🙃: then where?
y/n: home. Why am I being questioned?
Chase😕: They were worried about you
y/n: why?
Joshy🙃: cause we hadn't heard from you all day
Y/n: I'm fine you guys haha
Avani💖: how was school?
Y/n: uhhh.. alright
Softy🥺: how was Elijah today?
y/n: uhh yeah good
Chase😕: did ya kiss him 😘
Joshy🙃: chase shut up
Griff😄: aww cuties
y/n: stop. Please stop.
Jaden🥰: is everything okay y/n?
Pay😇: what's wrong?
Avani💖: is everything okay peanut?
Y/n: nothing I'm fine! Just stop!

I began tearing up again. I felt bad, it's not their fault. They have no idea. I just hate talking about it. They all stopped. Then I got a message from Avani.

Avani💖: I'm sorry, but I'm worried
                                              Y/n: why there's nothing to worry about I'm fine
Avani💖: y/n, people don't go off and say that their fine if their fine. What's going on
                                       Y/n: I know I'm sorry I didn't mean to get angry I just don't want to talk about it
Avani💖: why? What's going on
                                   Y/n: Avani please
Avani💖: you know you can talk to me
                                     Y/n: I know that I'm just scared
Avani💖: of what?
                                   Y/n: Elijah.
Avani💖: why bub. What did he do?

I sat there crying. My eyes were going blurry I couldn't see. I couldn't keep this in anymore.

                                  Y/n: everything. He's abusive.
Avani💖: y/n omg I am so sorry, I shouldn't have pushed you to tell me
                              Y/n: it's fine but please, don't tell the boys
Avani💖: I won't I swear

For a while after I told Avani everything. It felt amazing to get it off my chest and talk to someone. She made me feel so safe and she promised she wouldn't tell. I told her about today, she was shocked, sad and angry. I told her to not do anything because I was scared he'd do something worse. She promised. Before I went to bed I wanted to post on insta so I posted this.


@y/ny/l/n: you make everything better vaniTagged: @avani

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@y/ny/l/n: you make everything better vani
Tagged: @avani

@avani: I luv uuuu
@Fan1: how does she know Avani?
@Fan2: who is this Avani??
@Y/ny/l/n: luv u more

@luvanthony: my bestie is cute
@y/ny/l/n: love you ant

@elijahcook: my baby is fine asf
@y/ny/l/n: 🤎

@jadenhossler: damn y/n 🥵
@elijahcook: who do you think you are
@y/ny/l/n: love u Jay
@elijahcook: @y/ny/l/n who the fuck is this

@fan4: why are all these TikToks on her page

Load more comments...

I saw all the comments and got extremely confused so I texted the group chat.

Y/n: um guys what's up with the comments
Avani💖: what- oh
Jaden🥰: umm..
Chase😕: we are famous on TikTok
Griff😄: what he said
Y/n: and you guys never thought to tell me?

I texted as I was reading through the comments, "ew who is she?", "why are they on her page?!", "ew she's ugly they can do better". A tear dropped down my face as I blinked. What..?

Joshy🙃: I'm sorry we didn't think that it was nessassary...
Y/n: why are they being so mean :/
Pay😇: we are so sorry!! Don't read them they don't know what they are talking about
Y/n: it's kinda hard not to...
Jaden🥰: bub, don't read them.

I couldn't text back. How could they not tell me. I was crying reading through them. Then my phone buzzed.

Incoming call
Elijah 💖
Answer Decline

I declined. He called again. I declined. And again. I figured he wasn't going to stop so I answered.

"Who the fuck is Anthony?! And Jaden?! Wtf y/n!!" Fuckkkkk. "They are nobody. Friends" I said as my voice was cracking, tears streaming down my face. "Are you crying?!" I didn't answer. "You're a fucking slut! All those comments are true. You worthless, ugly piece of shit. You should be grateful you have me you ungrateful whore!" He screamed in my ear. I just sat there. Tears streaming from me eyes. He hung up on me, I was getting texts from everyone. Avani, Jaden, Payton. And Amelie. Shit Amelie.

Amelie: y/n you didn't tell me you were talking to tiktokers?!

Y/n: I didn't know

Amelie: that's so cool

Y/n: mhm

Amelie: what's wrong?

Y/n: nothing am

Amelie: y/n, how long have I known you for. What's wrong.

I told her what Elijah said. The comments, how they didn't tell me about their lives. They lied to me. They new everything about me and I didn't know half about them. I felt so vulnerable. I cried myself to sleep that night, thinking about everything.

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