I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
"Avani come on we are going shopping! Be back soon boys" I screamed grabbing Avani's hand running towards it car.
We park and walk inside of the airport. We stand there looking around as her plane should have landed 10 minutes ago. I spot her. "Nessa!" I tell as Vani and I run towards her engulfing her in a hug. I smile pulling away from the hug.
"Don't I get one too?" I look up and instantly my jaw drops to the floor. A tear falls from my eye, "Amelie" I say quietly. She pulls me into a hug. "Hi baby" she says as I break down into her shoulder. "W-what? How? When!?" I said as they all giggled. "We thought you deserved a surprise too" Avani said. "You were in on this?!" I said and Avani nods. "Thank you" I say wiping the tears from my cheeks. "Okay ready to go?" Avani asked and we all nodded.
"So what's been happening? How are you and jay?" Amelie asked grabbing my hand as we walk to the car park. "Good. So good." I say smiling down at my feet. "That's good" she says smiling at me. "Does Payton know you're here?" I ask looking back up her and she shakes her head. I smile widely. "Okay good this is going to be so good." I say giggling.
We pull into the driveway and park. "Okay so Avani and I are going to go in first, then you two knock on the door like 2 minutes after okay?" I say and they both nod. Avani and I enter the house. "We're back bitches" Avani yells and all the boys turn around. We both start giggling. We walk over to the boys and I kiss Jaden on the head. "Hi babyyy" he says trying to focus on his video game. "What are you guys playing?" I ask. "Super smash bro's" Payton says as Jaden kills him. "JADEN I HATE YOU" he continues and we all giggle. "Did you not get anything?" He asks confused. "Huh?" I ask. "Didn't you go shopping" he says furrowing his eyebrows. "Oh yeah it's in the car." I say smiling at Avani. "Can you go get it for us Payton and Josh?" I ask politely. "Why us?" Josh wines. "Cause you're both dead" I say pointing at the tv. "Fine" Payton says. They both walk outside and I'm just waiting to hear them scream.
"OH MY GOD WHAT?!" I hear Payton scream along with Josh's, "HOLY SHIT WHAT?!" Avani and I both start laughing. "What is it?" Griffin asks. "It's Nessa and Amelie" I say giggling. "Oh my god what?!" All the boys say getting up and running outside. "Wow. I'm offended" I say laughing at Avani and she laughs along with me. We both heading outside.
I look and Nessa is in josh's arms and Payton has his arm around Amelie. "Thank you guys so much" Josh says smiling, and I just nod.
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@oliviadavis: I got my girls back 🥺💗 📸:@joshrichards
tagged: @avani, @amelieoldfield, @nessabarrett
@avani: I love you 🥺 - love you more baby
@jadenhossler: my baby is perfect ❤️ - I love you so much ❤️
@fan56: beans 🥺
@amelieoldfield: holy heck I missed you - can you stay forever?
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"Im so glad you guys are here" I say smiling. "All together again" I say looking around the room filled with my friends. Jaden wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him. "I'm so grateful for all of you." I say as Jaden kisses my forehead. "We are grateful for you too baby."
We all lay there snuggled up on the couch. My best friends. My boyfriend. I had everything I could ever want right here in this room with me. People who support and love me. Sometimes I wonder what life would be like if Payton just added the right number. I wonder what life would be like if my mom was still in my life. I wonder what life would be like if I still had Elijah in it. But I don't need to anymore. I've never been more happy. I have everything I could ever want. I'm good. Life's good. Everything's going to be okay. It's crazy to think that this all started with a text.
The End __________________________________ Authors Note: wow. Hey guys, I know this book was cut short but I wasn't enjoying writing it anymore. I've got a new book lined up if you want to begin that one! Thank you guys so so much for reading this book it means so much to me. Never in a million years did I think I could have gotten anywhere near 100k reads. So thank you. I really hope that you enjoyed this book. I love you all! Stay safe and feel free to contact me if you guys need anything! My Instagram: @_mclovinmaya TikTok: @_mclovinmaya Twitter: @_tashamercer