I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
"What do you want to do then?" Jaden asked. I shrugged. "I don't mind" I reply smiling. "Wanna go back downstairs?" He asks and I nod. He then takes his hand in mine and walks downstairs. We go into the living room and sit down. He puts the tv on and we cuddle up together when the boys walk in. "What are you guys watching?" Kio said sitting beside us. "I don't know I just put whatever on" he said giggling. "Avani is coming over in 10" Anthony said running upstairs to get changed. "VANIS COMING?!" I say sitting up. "YEAH" he yells from upstairs. I smile widely. Anthony comes running back down and plops down beside Jaden and we all laugh at him. "What?" He says shyly. "You're a bit excited" Bryce says. "Yeah, I think I'm going to ask her out" I gasp. "YES YES YES YES" I squeal. They all laugh at me. "Do you think she'll say yes?" He asks me. "Of course she will! IM SO EXCITED AHHH" I say jumping around as Jaden is just giggling at me.
10 minutes later we hear a knock at the door. "Can I please get it?!" I ask excitedly. Anthony nods and I run to the door. I open it and Avani looks up. "LIV?!" She says excitedly embracing me in a warm hug. I giggle and hug her back. "Hi babyyy" I say smiling.
We walk in and sit on the couch. "Hi ant" she says smiling. "Hi beautiful" he says wrapping his arm around her waist. They both start blushing. "Come with me?" He says quietly and she nods. I start smiling so widely. They walk upstairs and go into his room.
10 minutes later. "How long does he takeeee" I said whining. "Why does it matter?" Jaden asked giggling. "I wanna hang out with Vani" I say pouting. He gasps dramatically. "But you should hang out with me" he said in a whiny girl voice. "I've been hanging out with you all day" I say giggling and he pouts. "And I'll hang out with you all night" I continue. "Fine" he sighs. "Jay stoppp" I say placing my hand on his cheek. "What?" He says in a blunt voice. "I just want to hang out with Avani why is that so bad?" I say quietly. "Cause I want to hang out with you" he says pouting. "I'll hang out with you alllll night I promise. I just miss her" I say kissing his lips and he nods. "Okay" he says and grabs a controller. I kiss his head then I run upstairs. I barge into Anthony's room and see them cuddling on the bed. I run over and grab her hand and start pulling her out of the bed. "Come on Vani" I say giggling. "Where are we going?" She said trying to get out of the bed but Ant was pulling her back. "Um let go please. We are having girly time" I said giggling. Ant still didn't let go of her. "Anthony let her go!" I say giggling. He pouted and let her go. I pull her into Jaden's room and I shut the door. We sit on the bed, cross legged and instantly I smile. "What happened?!" I say giggling. "Oh not much, except IM HIS GIRLFRIEND!" She says as we both start screaming.
Jaden and Ant come running in. "What's wrong?!" Jaden said and we both looked at him confused. "Nothing?" I say slightly laughing. "Then why were you screaming?" He asked concerned. "Cause they do be dating" I say smiling. "Oh no way congrats" he said. "Okay yeah yeah no byeee" I say getting up and pushing them both out then shutting the door again. "This is my room!" Jaden says laughing from the other side of the door. "And?" I say laughing running back over sitting back down on the bed.
"Oh my god we should surprise Josh with Nessa!" I say quietly. "Oh my god yes!" She said and I pulled out my phone.
Liv: hi Ness! Vani and I were just talking and we were wondering if you wanted to come out to surprise josh?
Nessa🥺👼: omg I'd love to! Let my ask my mom.
Liv: okay let us know!
Nessa🥺👼: will do 💗
10 minutes later Nessa🥺👼: she said yes! When should I book flights for?
Liv: omg yayyy!! How about Friday?
Nessa🥺👼: okay cool. I'll book then now. See you Friday! Love you 💗
Liv: love you too Ness can't wait!
"She's coming Friday" I say excitedly to Avani. "Yayyy" she says happily. We hang out for about another 40 minutes or so until the boys start yelling for us. So we wonder downstairs. "What?" Avani says looking at the boys. "We wanna do something funnnn" Jaden whined. "Aww are you guys not capable of having fun without us" I said in a baby voice as I walk over and sit beside Jaden. "No" he admits and we all laugh. "Well what do you wanna do then?" I ask looking at the boys. "We should go to an arcade or something!" Josh spits out and we all agree.
We finally arrive at the arcade and we all go off in our own direction. "Wanna do the basketball game princess?" Jaden asks excitedly. "Sure" I say as he grabs my hand and pulls me over to it.
"Ugh I'm so tired" I say getting out of the uber. "We can go upstairs and cuddle until you fall asleep" Jaden says snaking his left arm around my petite waist. "Bet" I say. We walk upstairs and I walk into the bathroom and get changed into pajamas. I walk out and Jaden is already in bed, with Netflix on the tv. He's perfect. I wonder over and lay down beside him. He places his arm around my back whilst my head lays on his chest with my arm draped over his torso. "I love you princess" he says then kisses my forehead. "I love you too Jay" I say snuggling into him more. My eyes droop shut and I fall asleep.
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@jadenhossler: my girl 💗
@avani: literally my favourite couple to exist ever @fan32: same here! @fan00: besides you and ant!
@amelieoldfield: ugh I miss you @jadenhossler: we miss you too! Come visittt. @amelieoldfield: my mom won't let me for a while considering we just got back from tour :( @avani: ASAP! You need to come ASAP!
@nessabarrett: literally the 2 best people to walk this planet. @joshrichards: I'm offended. @fan47: 🚢🚢 @griffinjohnson: 🚢🚢 @fan17: OMG GRIFFINS COMMENT
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