Chapter 23

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This is my dress

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This is my dress. For once I looked in the mirror and genuinely thought I looked beautiful. I haven't done that in a while. "Seriously thank you girls" I say as I give them all a hug. "It's fine, we had fun" Avani said smiling. I stood there smiling. "Okay now go get your Prince Charming" Amelie said pushing me towards the door. "Okay okay" I giggled. I opened there door and there he was. He was stood in some black skinny jeans with a loose navy button up shirt, with the two top buttons undone. "Liv, you look, wow" he said as I slowly walked over. I smiled. I got to him and stood on my tippy toes, wrapping my arms around his neck. "I love you" I whispered so only he could hear it. He leant down and kissed my lips. I smiled and pulled away. "Where is everyone?" I asked confused. "They all left to get dinner I think"

We got down to the lobby and I see Griffin, in a black suit standing next to the car. "Griff what are you doing." I say giggling. "Good evening" he said opening the back door. I was confused. "Go I'm get in" Jaden said. I got in and slid over so Jaden could get in too. Griffin just smiled at Jaden, and he looked nervous?

Griffin drove us to an Italian restaurant. Once we had arrived, Griffin got out and opened my door. I just giggled. "Thank you sir" I said. We wondered inside and found our table. We ordered our food and we just sat there. "Thank you" I said to Jaden. "For what?" He asked. "For today, for everyday" I said and he smiled. "I don't deserve you" I said a little quieter. "What do you mean princess? It's more like I don't deserve you" he said. I just smiled at him.

After an hour we had finished dinner. Jaden paid and we left. Griffin opened the door for us again and drive us to Central Park. We got out. "See you guys later have fun" Griffin said. Jaden interlocked our fingers and we began walking. It was stunning. "I never want to leave" I exclaimed. "Me neither princess" he said as we continued walking throughout the beautiful park.

In the distance I could see a light. As we got closer and closer I noticed it was fairy lights, and all of our friends. "What's going on?" I asked Jaden confused. We got closer and then Jaden began to speak. "Ever since the first time you texted into the group chat I knew you were special." There was standing Chase and Griffin, they handed me two red roses. "I then saw you, and couldn't believe how beautiful you are" he continued as Amelie and Payton handed me another two roses. Jaden kept walking me closer and closer to where the lights were and I saw more and more of our friends. "I knew I would love you, I mean you were just perfect" he said as Cynthia Noen handed me another two roses. "You have made my life so much better than I ever thought it could be" he continued as Madi and Chris gave me a rose each. "You make me so happy and I could never thank you enough for it" Avani and Ant handed me another two roses and gave me the biggest smile. "I want you in my life, forever" "I do too Jay" he walked me over to Josh and Nessa who then gave me another two roses, then we continued walking until we arrived at what looked like this. 

"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked

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"Will you be my girlfriend?" He asked. I had the biggest smile on my face. "Of course I will Jay!" I said. He kissed me and I kissed back. We pulled away and he said, "I know this was super extra but I wanted to make it memorable." I smiled. "I love you Jaden Hossler." "I love you too princess" he said hugging me. All of our friends ran over and gave us a hug. "You are all acting like this is a proposal" I giggled. "We're just happy for you" Amelie said hugging me. "Thank you" I said.

We all went back to the hotel and got ready for bed. I laid down and waited for Jaden to join me. He eventually got into bed and wrapped his arm around me. I turned over so I faced him and I placed my hand on his cheek. "Tomorrows our last day" he said quietly. "Can we please not talk about that?" I whisper. He smiles subtly and pulls me closer to him. "I'm so sorry" he said. "For what?" I whispered. "For not fighting for you in the beginning" I sighed. "Well we are here now" he kissed my forehead. " I'm so grateful to be able to call you mine" he said. I smiled and snuggled up into him. I was just laying there. I didn't want to leave him.
Authors Note: I literally can't thank you guys enough for 32k reads. It's insane I can't believe it. I really hope you guys are staying safe out there. Please stay in your houses, social distancing is really important. Wash your hands!! If your bored, you should definitely check out my TikTok it would mean the absolute world to me. @_tashamercer 💛💛

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