I HAVE A NEW STORY!! please read ! x
who knew that being added into a random group chat would be the best thing that would ever happened to you.
I laid on the bed and scrolled through insta. I got a notification from Jaden. I went into it and it said.
Jay🥺💗: I cut it off. I swear you are the one I want.
I didn't know what to do.
Me: I can't if you still love her Jay
Jay🥺💗: please princess, I like you I want you
Me: but you love her.
My phone was quite. Nothing else happened. I sighed. "Liv we are going out for dinner are you coming?" Amelie asked. "Uh I don't know" I replied putting my phone down and sitting up. "Please liv. I miss you being with us, you don't have to sit near him." She said. "Fine" I say and sigh. "Are you getting changed?" "Yep" I go into the bathroom and get changed into this.
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I walked out. "Ready?" Amelie asked. I nodded. We walked out and waited for the others. They all came out and we started walking to the restaurant. I was walking with ant and Avani when someone pulling my hand back. "Liv." "What josh?" He pulled of his hoodie and handed it to me. "What?" "Take it." "Why?" "Olivia your wrist" he whispered. Fuck I had completely forgotten. I stood their awkwardly. "Take it" you took it and put it on. "Thank you" you said quietly, ashamed you let anyone see it. You start walking away. "No no" he grabs your wrist and pull you back. "Ow!" You scream in pain. "Oh my god liv I'm so sorry" the rest of them stop. "Are you okay?" "What's going on?" They asked. "Nothing we will catch up" josh said. Jaden gave me a sad look. A jealous look. "I'm so sorry" "it's okay" "Liv why?" I look down. I shrug. "I'm sorry for what I did" "it's okay" "it's obviously effecting you liv. If I'm the reason, if you want me to stay away" he rambled on. "No no, please no. I just feel, like..." "like what?" He continues. "Like everyone would be better off if I wasn't here." His face changed to complete sorrow and guilt. "no what?! Why would you ever think that?" He asked. "I see you guys when I'm not there. You're so happy it's like I never existed. You guys don't need me. I'm a waist of space and all I ever do is cause drama" he pulls me into a tight hug. "no no no liv no. We do need you! We need you more than anything. We all love you so much you have no idea" you tear up. "It's not just you guys. I've always felt like that, just more.. now" "I'm so sorry we made you feel like that liv I swear we all love you unconditionally please don't hurt yourself again." He begged. "Please Olivia" he said pulling away and looking at me. I nodded and pulled me in for another hug. We let go and kept walking. He grabbed my hand in his, "I've got you" you smiled at him and kept walking. Once you got their you two sat beside one another. Jaden kept glaring over and I'd smile at him then he'd just turn away. I frowned. What did I do? Is he really that mad at me? We ate dinner and when we were done we began walking back to the hotel. I was walking with Josh, holding his hand and Jaden kept glaring back at us. "Why is Jaden mad at me?" I whispered to him. "Probably because you're wearing my hoodie, and holding my hand. Not his" "oh" you said. You felt kind of bad. You all went back to the hotel room and hung out for a while. "We should let loose. Go to a party or something" Jaden said. "Ooh yes!" Everyone said. "Uh idk" I said. "Oh come on liv let loose you never do!" Amelie said. "Am you know I don't like that stuff" "oh come on, it's not going to kill you to have fun 1 night" "fineeee" "ok lets go get ready girlies!" Avani said. We followed her back into her bedroom and we all got ready. I got changed into this:
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I put some makeup on, straightened my hair and we all walked out. "Wow look at you baby" Anthony said pulling Avani onto his lap and gave her a kiss. "You look so good mamas" Payton said taking ahold of Amelie by her hips and kissing her. "Thank you baby" she said. I just stood at the door watching awkwardly. "You look really good" josh said smiling. "Thank you" you smiled back at him. "You guys ready?" Griffin asked. Everyone said yes and you guys left. "So where are we going?" I asked. "Our manager found a house party an influencer is hosting." Payton "Oh yeah who?" I asked. "I think his name is Elliot Brown" Griffin said. "Oh yeah I've seen him on TikTik" I said. We eventually got there and we walked up to the door. I pulled Amelie back. "Am you know I don't like this" "oh come on Liv it'll be fun let loose" she said going back to Payton. I sigh. I've never really been one for parties or drinking and stuff. I've never been interested and I've only ever seen bad come from it. We walk in and everyone kinda goes their own way. I'm standing their by myself when someone walks over to me. "Hi I'm Jordan" he says. "Hi I'm Olivia" "nice to meet you" "you too" I say. I'm very socially awkward so I wasn't doing that well. "Want a drink?" He asked me. "Um" all I could think about was Amelie telling me to let loose. "Sure" I said smiling. He left and and got me a drink. __________________________________ Authors Note: omg you guys! 7k reads that insane! Thank you so much you guys it means the world! I'm really happy you guys are enjoying the story so far. I hope y'all are staying safe! Wash your hands. If y'all are bored during quarantine my TikTok is @_tashamercer and my YouTube is Tasha Mercer 💗🥺 sorry for da self promo x